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Hi Forum Friends, I have been wondering if there exists a list of Lionel Lines scale locomotives with Legacy? I have a couple of the 'Locomotives of the Year' and the 120th GS. I know they made a Pioneer Zephyr and are now making a 2-4-2 Legacy Scout in the '25 catalog. Are there others? Trying to decide about investing in more Lionel Lines passenger cars which will be arriving over the next few months. Appreciate help from the Lionel experts on the forum! Thanks,

David Ogletree, Needham, MA
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@MartyE posted:

They just made this one but I suspect you will have to find it on the secondary market...


This thread lists the "Engine of the Year up to 2025.

There are other but not Legacy.

Hi Marty, thanks for this. It was your review that convinced me to buy the 2024 LOTY. It's terrific! I then found the 120th anniversary set of 7 21" cars and GS engine, and have the 2025 LOTY on order along with the Scout 2-4-2. Besides the 2021-2023 LOTYs and the Pioneer Zephyr, I am wondering if there are any others I have missed in my searching. The Lionel Lines engines I could find are otherwise all traditional sized.

Hi Marty, thanks for this. It was your review that convinced me to buy the 2024 LOTY. It's terrific! I then found the 120th anniversary set of 7 21" cars and GS engine, and have the 2025 LOTY on order along with the Scout 2-4-2. Besides the 2021-2023 LOTYs and the Pioneer Zephyr, I am wondering if there are any others I have missed in my searching. The Lionel Lines engines I could find are otherwise all traditional sized.

I'm not aware of any other except the METCA engine.

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