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@Dave_C posted:

Rutland RS 1 is #1 on my list of must haves. I know Atlas made them. Not much more as far as details over the MTH.  I had a NYC at one time. The MTH ‘s are just so much easier to work on. I already have a proven method for fixing the pilots on them.. ...

Hi Dave

Did you post a thread here on OGR concerning the MTH RS-1 pilots? I could not find one. I just bought my first MTH RS-1 and would like to fix the pilots and install Kadees. Thanks.

And, I agree with you about the Atlas/MTH details comparison on these RS-1s. I have the Atlas CNJ RS-1 ... and it's just about the same as my new MTH CNJ RS-1. I never knew these MTH units were so nice.


@JET posted:

It more or less exists, just search Uncataloged

and the 2021 and 2022 lists will show up along with specific items.

IMHO that search result form existence is definitely less.  Problem is that uncataloged list is nothing more than links to the individual item's press release which is nothing like their previous compiled digital (PDF) catalogs that can be EASILY referenced to view in a catalog type format.  The links to the new MTH products issued either by direct or special-run release during a certain time frame, ie. year 2021 or 2022 also can not yet be downloaded/saved as a single product reference/catalog file.  Rather it provides another list that is spread over 10+ individual web-linked pages.  I don't believe this compiled search result method to be very customer friendly.  Furthermore, the above web-link uncataloged/special run search result list should provide a direct web-link (via "Find It Locally" product tab) to the dealer(s) that are offering the respective special item instead of just the text of dealer name with no contact info in the item description.  Disappointingly... It is what it is and it's all we got.

Last edited by Keystone

I collect MTH Premier 36' reefers.  I was having difficulty keeping track of what was produced and what was coming out.   What I did was create my own html code that I sourced from the code found on MTH's site which contains only the Premier 36' reefers (excluding the sets as I need to cut my collecting off somewhere).  I striped out stuff I don't need and I sorted it by product number.  When they come out with a new one I simply download the picture and edit my code.

Within the last couple of months probably over 50 of these cars has been produced or announced!

Here is a pdf printout of the first 5 pages:


Thank you Mr. Frank Mulligan for the nifty <.pdf> file of 36’ reefers. It’s probably forrynate that I don’t have your html editing skill. I am a runner, not a collector.

Hey Ed, I couldn't private message you as you may have that turned off (?).  Anyway, if you wanted the html file I could send it to you.  Just message me.

Like I said, it was getting very difficult to track the new releases.  Searching "36' Woodsided Reefer" on MTH's website meant you could only view 20 items per page and it wasn't sorted by product number.

CNJ Jim, sorry just saw your reply. Not a hard project. Helps if you have a drill press and sander to square things up. Basically the spacer is held on using the tapped holes that mount  the headlight bracket.. After that’s done. It’s a matter of cutting the factory pilot and drilling and tapping holes to mount the Kadee’s. Then just file up the steps for a good fit. After I did one. With 2 more to do. I purchased a gutted junker on eBay for parts. Having a bare chassis to work with doing mock ups was much easier. 3D printers were around back then but if you have access to one. It may be easier as once you perfect it. You can run off multiples.

Thank you, Frank Mulligan: I would like the <.html> file.  Although I have lurked on this forum for some years, I have been so active on another forum about RC tanks that I am unpracticed here. Although short on time just now, I will see about getting the PM operating.  I don't recall turning it off.

Jim S: I have an MTH Bangor and Aroostook F3 ABBA with PS2, so I know MTH made them some time ago.  I don't have the stock number offhand, but if you want, remind me and I will rummage around and find it later this week.


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Jim S: MTH Bangor and Aroostook F3 ABA Stock No. 20-2616 and separate B Unit: 20-2616-3 were cataloged in BS 2005 Vol. 2.  They may be available used or NOS on EvilBay or through another seller or auctioneer.  When active, mine BAR F3 ABBA haul rolls of newsprint paper (made of rolls of old cash register ticket) or potatoes (made of imagination).

@jim sutter posted:

Pats Trains, Mr. Muffins and Stockyard Express would be three additional dealers you could talk to.

I think it's important to note that some of these special runs do come as ideas from hobbyists that communicate them to a dealer.  I know in my case I have a pretty close relationship with my MTH dealer.  This allows us to have a realistic conversation an analysis about what the demand for a certain item might be.  It's not enough that you want it made unless you plan to purchase the entire minimum run.

Last edited by MichRR714

@SIRT: I am with you on the grain loading box cars.  I thought Lionel had cataloged some quite recently, but I do not know if they will be/are/are not being done.

jim sutter: Yes, indeed, I would likely go for at least the New Haven hoppers.  Nah--probably all four!  And the Weaver versions of the IH and Grain Train sold well---so well that I hunted and grabbed them for about five years, until I gave up on the high prices.  These, and MTH PS2, hooked me on O Gauge trains and eventually led to a the 900 sq. ft. Golden Prairie Railroad with its five grain elevators and one more to fit somewhere someday.

Last edited by Golden Prairie Railroad

@SIRT: I am with you on the grain loading box cars.  I thought Lionel had cataloged some quite recently, but I do not know if they will be/are/are not being done.

jim sutter: Yes, indeed, I would likely go for at least the New Haven hoppers.  Nah--probably all four!  And the Weaver versions of the IH and Grain Train sold well---so well that I hunted and grabbed them for about five years, until I gave up on the high prices.  These, and MTH PS2, hooked me on O Gauge trains and eventually led to a the 900 sq. ft. Golden Prairie Railroad with its five grain elevators and one more to fit somewhere someday.

I’m with you on the hoppers! Should we ask a dealer to do a special run?

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