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The left handle of one of my Z4000 transformers has worked beautifully for over 10 years producing 23 volts when the left handle is fully up.  Recently however ,when the handle is fully down, that handle continues to put out 12 volts.  My other three Z4000 have never had thid problem.

Has anyone had the same problem?  Any ideas on how to fix it?

Many thanks in advance fro suggestions.


Original Post

Have you first disconnected the transformer from ALL wiring and tested it alone by itself? I'm saying this because the Z4000 meters will detect and display voltage coming into a channel from another source like a short to another track or accessory voltage.

If still happening with the transformer completely standalone- the next possible answer is the gears between the handle and throttle pot may have jumped. There are timing marks in marker on the gears.

Otherwise, indicates a damaged power board or other problem.

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