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Hello all, can one have two different layouts operating under separate TMCC control in the same room, if there is no electrical connection between the layouts?  I ask, because on my Trackers module, I have a separate loop that I now operate under conventional control while the Tracker lines pass over top on a bridge. The Tracker lines have full TMCC/Legacy/DCS. Would I be able to use a separate TMCC command base, etc. for my loop without interfereing with the main operation?


Thanks for any advice.



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Originally Posted by BANDOB:

Bigdodgetrain, you mean connect the outside rails?  That would mean phasing my transformer with the transformers of the main layout, would it not?



someone correct me if I am incorrect. my understanding is the TMCC or Legacy base has nothing to do with transformers. The transformers are connected to the center rail and the command systems are connected to the outside rail.  if your running two different layouts then they would not be connected, only the command base to the outside rail.


but Nicole has an interesting idea, different channels.

Yes the outside rails would be connected together but as long as there are NO other connections between the two loops of track you would not have any phasing problems with the transformers. You can always connect one terminal of any transformer to another transformer as long as no other wires or track sections are connected together.


N.O.D.Y. As long as the layouts are seperated by about 5 to 10 feet the TMCC trak signal will not interfer but it is my understanding that he is crossing one track ofer the other. That means that they will be within one foot of each other and the signals will interfer with each other. Better to run both off the same system and avoide troubles.



Thank you, everyone. Al is correct, the bridge main line crosses over my lower line. I will check with our Trackmasters, as I know there are some other members who have separate operations, yard, turntable, etc. and I believe they are using TMCC. It will be very easy to connect the two outside rails, but I'll make sure I have Trackmaster approval. The last thing I would want to do is anything to disrupt the great main line operations.


Having TMCC on my line would be great for kids, since I have the TMCC operating giraffe car and having Cab-1 control would let observers blow whistles, ring bells, etc.


I have installed three push buttons, too, so other accessories will be kid-friendly. 



All of a sudden it hit me: I can try this out. I have two separate layouts running now: the upper level two lines are off one ZW, the lower level loop off another. There is no electrical connection between the layouts. So, I did as bigdodgetrain and Al suggested, ran a wire between the two outer rails and, voila!  TMCC works fine on both levels, with just the one TMCC base.  I just need to make sure to get another TMCC Lockon or other fuse protection for the lower level and there should be no problem.


Thanks, all, for the great help!



Originally Posted by RailfanRon:

Nicole your way would keep the remotes from interfering with each other but the signal to the track is the same from all bases. Remote to base has channels in Legacy and crystals in TMCC. TMCC and Legacy base to track all the same frequency.


Hi Ron, I was thinking that if the layouts were connected to individual bases that all would be well, as the track-borne element of the TMCC/Legacy signals would be isolated from each other. However, as Al (HOSO&NZ) & Marty pointed out, close proximity could still cause problems. But it sounds as though Bill has found a good solution in extending the one base to cover both layouts. That way keeps everything nice and simple too. 

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