Originally Posted by TimDude:
How many? I have seen 5 so far, 4014,4006,4018,4005 and 4004. Need to get back east to see the others.
Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:
As part of my quest to see all 8 Big Boys, the wife and I spent a chilly January afternoon there in 2012. They have a lot of cool stuff on display in the main section, but it took a little digging to find the UP Centennial, quietly rusting on a back track.
I just looked at Google maps, satellite view, and it looks like they have moved things around so that the Centennial can be seen easily.
I've seen Green Bay, Dallas, St Louis and Denver. I lived in Denver for 7 years back in the 80's, and spent a lot of Friday nights at the HO and N clubs in the basement of the old Forney museum. That's part of the reason for my screen name.
My wife and I have a trip planned for September which will take us through Denver, Cheyenne and Omaha. That will just leave Los Angeles and Scranton.