I have been building model railroads since 1961, and have never once completed one. BY completed, I mean all trackwork down, buildings and scenery complete. As soon as I make progress, I decide to change or ad gauges or layout features or purposes of the railroad. I am currently removing all of my O 2 Rail which has been my "operations" section of my layout. It was the oiutside loop of 4 loops. Ihave 4 loops because I'm one of those slobbering Pemmsy freaks who grew up a block and a half from Island Avenue Yard in Manchester, Pittssburgh, Pa. I will replace this section with 0 3 rail. This swill give me a 4 track broadway consisting oe 3 (3 rail and 1 S gauge) I confess I love my American Flyer and SHS. I also like to sometimes just run trains, sip a drink and walk around the block as one of my late heroes Bruce D. Manson said. One of my other train heroes is Paul Skip McKay. Like him, a lot of my rr satisfaction is in my mind. This is mw Epiphany. The reason I have never completed a layout is because my mind is constantly reacting to the needs, wants, history, and financial capabilities I have. Isn't this how real railroads have come about? I have recieved tremendous railroading pleasure in my mind reacting to space available to my layout, my modeling likes and dislikes, and more importantly, the history of my railroad, and it's purpose right now. The industries have names, and reasons to be served by my lines. All Stores, businesses and churches have surnames, names, histories, and whimsical stories associated to them in my mind. THAT is why I have always been a happy and contented modelrailroader. I was having fun in my mind building a railroad, laying out tracks, roads, telephone and power systems and creating farms. Everyone else probably thought i was fickle or discontented. Heck, I have been a successful Railroad CEO and President, Mayor, Farmer, Businessman, Priest, and Everyman for 50 plus years now, and it's probably saved me from a lot of stress. Thank You for reading along, and I hope it may help someone every time someone's wife, husband, significant other or the occasional plumber, electrician, cable guy, or friends of one opf your children beat you up for never finishing anything. Simply inform them that You and God have a fantastic plan and are working on it right now