Hi All,
Last weekend, I completed my latest project on my layout and I wanted to show it off.
Before I start with the process, I just wanted to say there are a lot of photos documenting the process. I also printed all the parts myself, so if anyone wants the .stl files/3D models so they can print their own, just PM me. There are also some very nice pictures at the end my wife took with her Canon Camera.
So to start, my layout is roughly based on Chicago (where I was born) with my scratch built Union Station which you can see in pictures below. When I designed my layout, I always planned on having an El running around the city circle. My plan was the following (my drawing and the model my cousin made):
I got a 3D printer over Father's Day weekend, and when I re-looked at my plan, I realized that it would actually block a lot of what I like (my "main street"). So I changed my plan to only have it as a static display in the middle of my city (where the track is):
My next step was to print the parts (uprights, I-beams, and shims). In the picture below, you can see the bowing of the uprights, which is typical of 3D printers because the bed temperature is not even across the bed - it just means the CTA Maintanence Crew has a lot to do!:
Once I had all the pieces printed out, it was time to start the build (note in the 3rd picture one of the upright legs is on a board as it will be on the sidewalk on the layout):
This was the first brace set that would go over the street:
I then continued the build (with my daughter's help):
Next I started and finished the curved (corner) section:
I made the El in 3 different sections that are not glued together (where the arrows are) so I can easily remove it to clean the super streets track:
Next I built the bases for the Stations:
I printed out my platforms and made sure they fit (I ran out of Black Filament and had to go with Blue :
Then it was time for Paint and the final detailing and wiring:
Lastly, it went on the Layout with the CTA Cars - before I did, I updated the lights and put a switch on the Power Unit to disengage the motor so it wouldn't fly into the wall!
Here are the pictures taken by my wife!
I'm really happy on how it turned out! Thanks for looking!