Yesterday while running my Legacy Conrail LionMaster SD80 (cab # 4120 from the 2008 6-31772 set) the railsounds started breaking up, had some static, then stopped working altogether. I first put the Conrail RS "universal" power board into another working Legacy diesel and it worked fine. But when I put the Conrail RS 5.5 board in that working Legacy diesel it produced no sound whatsoever, so I'm assuming the Conrail RS board is shot. Does that sound right?
If so my problem is Lionel's parts department says this "cab specific" board is unavailable. In a WTB thread yesterday concerning a 1995 Yellowbelly Hudson with a RS II board where the author was also facing a blown board that is no longer available, GRJ posted:
"Lots of RS 2.x boards still available at Lionel, so you can certainly replace the board and hope the chips survived. There's a good chance that what you took out it the audio amplifier on the old board."
This leads me to believe that I can test the Conrail 4120 "chips," which I assume are the 2 ICs on the board, by swapping them into a working RS 5.5 board. If this bit of voodoo is correct, how do I remove the chips from the boards without damaging any of them? Is there a particular tool I should use? My understanding is that ICs are fairly delicate and easy to damage with static electricity. I'd hate to ruin a working board while testing a bad one.
Any help greatly appreciated. GRJ, any advice?
Thanks. John