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Hello everyone, I'm starting to finish this area of my layout (see photos below)

I have one or two ideas of what I would like to do. I want to make it a passenger

car baggage loading and unloading area, maybe where the passenger cars are

checked inside and outside before going out on the main line.

If you guys can post some photos of your areas like this I would appreciate




trains 1111

trains 1112

trains 1113


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  • trains 1111
  • trains 1112
  • trains 1113
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I like your idea of having a place where passengers can get on and off and also have baggage being loaded and unloaded.


I also like the idea of having the sidings where cars could be prepped before going on the mainline. You could get a switcher that could move the cars into position and then the big mainline steamers could come in and take over and head out across the layout. Just like a real operation.


Alex, lots of interest here in your idea for passenger train "head end" service, cleaning area, etc.  Other than simple passenger "coach yards", I'm not sure that what you have in mind has been modeled very often.   You might try researching prototypes like the Twentieth Century Limited,  or the Pullman Company yards,  for ideas on how these cars were serviced, depending on the era you're modeling.   If you'd care to follow up with what you end up doing, I think it would be pretty interesting.   Lots of freight yards out there, lots of passenger stations, very little of what you're considering.   Sorry, not much in the way of help, but lots of interest and encouragement.  Keep us posted!


Here's a tinplate station scene on The Christmas Putz in The Lutheran Home at Topton, PA. Put pavement between the rails so baggage carts (loaded and unloaded) can go over the track(s).


A car washing facility is another good idea.


If you run steam, you could put a vertical water pipe where tenders stop at each end of the platforms.


Diesel fuel pipes are a variation. They take less space than the tank cars and hoses that franktrain posted. But that is a NEAT photo, one well worth modeling if space is available. 



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Originally Posted by killian:
Originally Posted by franktrain:

Here's one my favorite station scenes from Shorpy(









Do you know the location of this service facility?  I really like it.  Thank you.

Killian I thought this scene was beautiful, I already started to

model it. It's going to take a while, but it's a great scene.



Hi Guys,


 This area is finished for a while now, Chipset wanted to know how the ballast turned out here's a few photo's. Chipset pretty easy to do no tricks I just poured the ballast on the track with a small paper cup and then sprayed it with Matte medium. These are some older photos, best I can do for now because we have no power.



trains 1739

trains 1740

trains 1752

trains 1753


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  • trains 1739
  • trains 1740
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  • trains 1753
Originally Posted by Alex Malliae:

Hi roger, we are all ok, we have no power working off of a generator right now

very bad damage all around here.I don't have any photos because they told us that people were getting killed going outside. Some people around here were killed and badly hurt from trees hitting them.  






Alex, I' glad you are doing well.  We were lucky and got our power back about 5:00pm today. 




Do you know the location of this service facility? 

That's Albuquerque.  Interestingly enough there is now a station available.




I thought about purchasing the station just to duplicate the picture.  I have an engine on order that will include the WWII shroud over the headlight.


Alex, I've been wondering about you, I'm glad to hear you are OK.  Take care.


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