Dave, Excellent comments about building the roof. No, I am not satisfied with the roof components that came with the kit, but I'm not being critical of the manufacturer. I saw this same kit built in HO on a Western Maryland Rwy modeling Facebook group. I commented it would be great in HO. Jeff of Carolina Craftsman Kits contacted me almost immediately and asked if I would buy one if he made it in O scale. I said I would, and was surprised that he had it ready in a couple days. For all I know, he may have only made two, the one he built which he sent two photographs in the kit. I realize it wouldn't take much to change the scale on the computer that drives the laser cutter. That said, all the lasercut parts are really crisply cut, and it went together great. I did have to trim that center two story wall a slight bit because I beveled a little too much off the two story full brick wall section. That was my fault, not his. It's a great kit.
As for the roof, I decided I'm going to buy some peal and stick shingles because the ones that came with the kit are thin paper that I would like to be a darker gray. Yes, this kit will take a sizable amount of them. Jeff suggests using 3M 465 double sided tape to stick the thin paper shingles on. I know me. I'll be tearing the thin paper too many times. So, I may have the kit done and waiting for shingles. Sounds like real life, doesn't it?
I have made all my roofs removable, so I can add lights and interiors later. I have not made any effort yet to search for details for two stores, the signal tower, or two stations. I do appreciate your suggestions, because I was thinking last evening, these two roofs will be quite light to be taking off. Am I reading your method correctly? Is there one 1/4" triangle on each end just inside the peaked wall and one in the center? Other than the coat hanger wire, are the roof sections the only thing that is connecting the three triangles together? I'm thinking I need wood for the roof sections themselves. This card stock is 3/64" thick, and may bow.