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Zak, It looks great!  I attempted a similar project way back in my HO days.  It turned out to be over my head, and the project sat partially done for at least 20 years.  I finally found a modeler who took it off my hands for a nominal price.  I wish he had gotten back to me with a photograph of the finished product.

All that to say, I think very highly of your skill, talent, and patience!!

I have only seen one color photograph of shay 6 in revenue service on the Western Maryland. The photograph shows a black cab roof and tender deck. it also shows no stripes on the engine and tender. So it all depends if you want it to look like it did in revenue service or how it looked when it was placed in the B&O museum or how it looked in tourist railroad service. 

thanks guys.  yep couple pics above in this trail so yes it depends -   with and without the tuscan roof.  i do enjoy the red cab roofs on motive power but i may letter it like in the revenue service black and white picture above.  i've never really got a good answer on whether the roof was ever red while in, very late, revenue service or not.  so i may stretch the truth a bit or take advantage of the lack of photographic assets to clearly say one way or the other.

Last edited by zak98


  Oh yes that is a great looking Shay with the Red Roof.  Zak you have great original idea's, now make the striping with your own original idea or leave the striping off, and your Shay will be incredible!   Can you imagine it with Red Striping and a big Red 6 to match the Roof.

Just painted my Tin Plate 817 Caboose, Shell and Chassie with it's Black Rust-Oleum Under Coat this evening.   Drying under the heat lamp now.  Next the Black High Gloss Rust-Oleum, several coats.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
zak98 posted:

hey guys,

anyone know if the cab doors were ever painted in this color?  thx.

Maybe the INSIDE of the cab/cab doors, but surely NOT the exterior. Many railroads painted their cab interiors "Jade Green" or "Sued Gray", and that is why the first EMC/EMD diesels also had either of those two colors available as a "no charge option" from the factory.

zak98 posted:

Yep. My cab interior is Burlington northern green color.  

That may be a bit too green when compared to the original "Jade Green", or "seafoam green" as some folks call it.  Given some time, I could possibly find the original Dupont paint color number, if you are interested. Don't know how you would duplicate it, however.

a few more pics of the build, then a few pics of it all back together. still only about 80% complete but it is all back together with only a few items "left over"   .  thanks again for all the comments, still a ways to go on it but i do appreciate the interaction during a project.  it definitely helps me.

then the latest video:  here




thanks all!

Hokie71, below is a pic of the box label.  late westside version built by the japanese (KTM or Katsumi).  a very well built model, easy take apart and extremely well engineered.  after testing the motor i left it as is.. no changes to gearbox or anything.  just opened the gear box and cleaned out all the 40 years plus, old grease and re-lubed everything.  it runs at about .66 amps with the lights on.  has about a 1.5A stall current.  i was surprised, i thought the motor would have to be replaced for sure. some of my older oriental models GN pieces suffer from motors being just worn out.  no smoke unit installed at all just a tsunami2 sound decoder with headlight, backup light and cab light.



Last edited by zak98

couple interesting pics. i would guess these are the as-delivered paint scheme, but it seems key (picture above in my trail, here) may not be far off with their paint job?  the cab door was definitely a different color than the cab.  also striping on the running boards and tender decking.

anyway, just interesting.

Last edited by zak98


Note that the top photo has the Lima Locomotive Works negative number, down in the lower right hand corner. May "official" company photographers tended to have extra paint detailing on the locomotive, in order to show off details. In fact, many time the locomotive being photographed wasn't even painted black, but a gray color, at least on the side being photographed.

Thanks. Yep. For sure....GN had one delivered In grey and was repainted in std liveries based on the division at later date  

But none the less the Shay was in that paint scheme for some short period of time. Maybe one day. Maybe one month. Prior to delivery or after delivery.  If someone wanted to capture that moment in time it would be valid.    

zak98 posted:

Thanks. Yep. For sure....GN had one delivered In grey and was repainted in std liveries based on the division at later date  

But none the less the Shay was in that paint scheme for some short period of time. Maybe one day. Maybe one month. Prior to delivery or after delivery.  If someone wanted to capture that moment in time it would be valid.    

OK but, "capturing that moment in time" and modeling the "Big 6" in service are two different approaches. Me, I prefer the inservice look, especially for the era that I model, i.e. early 1950s thru 1955.

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