hello guys I am proud to say I have found the perfect size of model trains with s scale. Its the perfect size not too big not too small I cant believe I didn't look into this sooner, I must say what got me to start collecting s scale was the release of the American models rs11 in southern pacific paint. any scale that has alco rs11 is good enough for me since its my favorite locomotive. now I just purchased a American models southern pacific gp9 as well, along with some random freight cars. I am building a small 2x6 foot switching layout set loosely in California late 50's -early 70's. I love how easy it is to find great cheap vehicles for s scale. Now I am waiting for the release of the fox valley s scale track to so I can lay some track and switch some cars around. I will run dcc and install some loksound or tsunami 2 sound decoders in the locomotives. I am 31 and feel like s scale is so misrepresented in the hobby as its pros out weight the cons very well. regards , dan