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Q2: In what way(s) is DCS "way better" than Lionel's offerings?

(I'm asking so that we, and in particular newbies, might learn from your experience.)


Well I can answer this one a couple of ways. This is my opinion (and everyone has one) but there are a couple key ways DCS is better:

1. I can upgrade/change sound files at home, on my own. If a locomotive has an incorrect whistle from the factory (Lionel never makes that mistake ) I can put the correct whistle in a PS2/PS3 sound file and load it onto my locomotive in about 20 minutes at home. Is there a problem with a PS2/PS3 locomotive firmware? I can download the software fix and install it in the locomotive at home in 20 minutes. No need to send the locomotive off to Lionel for a new sound board to get the correct whistle (if they even acknowledge it's wrong) or reprogram a RCMA. I can do that at home. I have a huge issue that Lionel's control system doesn't allow this option. It's a decision on Lionel's part to do that. They could have easily allowed the consumer to do those things but they decided not to.

2. PS2/PS3 has some nice sound functionality built in TMCC/Legacy lacks. For example it has whistle commands pre-programmed in. The locomotive will automatically play a forward signal, reverse signal, and crossing signal with the push of a button. Can't do that on a Legacy remote. Also I can change the chuff rate on a PS2/PS3 steam locomotive with the push of a button. Again not possible with Legacy.

I run mostly semi-scale engines and some scale engines designed for smaller curves. I liked that you could get MTH's best electronics package in a value based product like Railking.  Not to mention the number of Railing Steamers that I have upgraded with quilling whistles on my own workbench for free.  Other than Lionmaster, Legacy electronics were and still are are only available in their top of the line models.

I do credit Lionel for adding TMCC in the LC2 line up, that did get me really interested in some of those models and they are good runners. However, the LionChief versions before LC2 were of little to no interest to me as those systems are missing many key operating features that I use regularly which are present in my Railking PS2 / PS3  and TMCC locomotives.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

I don't suppose anyone wants to hear about the issues where Legacy/TMCC/LionChief are superior to DCS/PS2/PS3?

Because that would be seen as celebrating MTH's demise or crazed brand loyalty?  .  And justification to invoke reasons that the opinions offered reflected irrational fandom rather than facts?  And thus entirely justify personal criticism rather than discussing the issues?

Good to see that the double standard is still alive and well.  Have a good afternoon from another irrational, unfair, cruel fanboy.

@Landsteiner posted:

I don't suppose anyone wants to hear about the issues where Legacy/TMCC/LionChief are superior to DCS/PS2/PS3?

Because that would be seen as celebrating MTH's demise or crazed brand loyalty?  .  And justification to invoke reasons that the opinions offered reflected irrational fandom rather than facts?  And thus entirely justify personal criticism rather than discussing the issues?

Good to see that the double standard is still alive and well.  Have a good afternoon from another irrational, unfair, cruel fanboy.

I can tell you that one. One wire hookup, no special layout wiring.

My question was meant as rhetorical.

My point was that there are a tiny number of individuals on the forum who cannot stand to have their opinions contradicted.  When they are, these individuals resort to personal abuse and predictably classify the other person's opinion as that of a "fanboy" or "brand loyalist."   Whereas their opinion is totally objective and factual. Not.  I have had my intelligence questioned as well as my objectivity.   Even my ability to do long division.   Hurts my feelings as I'm a sensitive soul. . Total rubbish and shouldn't be tolerated.  Also an indication of a deficiency of the ability to discuss things with intelligence and clarity .   Focus on the facts of the post, not the person making the post, please.

Last edited by Landsteiner
@Lou1985 posted:
The locomotive will automatically play a forward signal, reverse signal, and crossing signal with the push of a button. Can't do that on a Legacy remote.
I personally hate that one button push for those functions.  You have to look down at the remote and find the correct button, even though I have put all three on the first page.  The Cab-2 slider for the horn/whistle is one of the best things either company has done.  Yes the Cab-2 is large, and I do have large hands, but I can work all the basic Legacy/TMCC functions for the engine without looking at the remote.  And don't get me started on either companies' WiFi; I have both WiFi systems and I don't use them.  The remotes (both DCS and Cab-2) are the way I run my trains.
Last edited by CAPPilot

There are loyalists here who celebrate the demise of importers other than the importer they support. While some will say they agree it is best to have competition, those comments are veiled in scores of comments to the contrary. I had to read twice who was posting in the quote above where it says, "there are a tiny number of individuals on the forum who cannot stand to have their opinions contradicted." The pot calling the kettle black came to mind immediately. Grating persistence is not a substitute for substance.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

"The pot calling the kettle black came to mind immediately. "

You'll have to find a single post I've made where I have addressed the personality, loyalties or other characteristics of the poster,  as opposed to the substance of the post.  If you find my opinions persistently grating, I suggest you ignore them rather than  spectacularly misinterpreting them. Use that ignore button. No hard feelings.

Last edited by Landsteiner
@Lou1985 posted:

I can tell you that one. One wire hookup, no special layout wiring.

No special wiring?  That depends on what type of layout you are building.  I am building a operating layout with lots of switching capabilities (and yes, loop running too) with Ross/Gargraves trackage for the greater flexibility I get with that.  I chose Lionel's LCS as my control system.  The PHs, PMs, ACS2, BPC2, CSM2, SER2, sensor track, and all that special cabling is not only expensive, but not fun hooking it all up.

There are loyalists here who celebrate the demise of importers other than the importer they support. While some will say they agree it is best to have competition, those comments are veiled in scores of comments to the contrary. I had to read twice who was posting in the quote above where it says, "there are a tiny number of individuals on the forum who cannot stand to have their opinions contradicted." The pot calling the kettle black came to mind immediately. Grating persistence is not a substitute for substance.

You must be a mind reader.

@Landsteiner posted:

"The pot calling the kettle black came to mind immediately. "

You'll have to find a single post I've made where I have addressed the personality, loyalties or other characteristics of the poster,  as opposed to the substance of the post.  If you find my opinions persistently grating, I suggest you ignore them rather than  spectacularly misinterpreting them. Use that ignore button. No hard feelings.

I for one welcomed constructive, factual responses to my posts. Sadly, there are very few. So please, if you disagree agree with the facts and assumptions in my posts, then share your thoughts and facts. Sadly, it seems the best I get is: “you trash MTH” followed by the poster hiding. Not very interesting or enlightening.

I for one welcomed constructive, factual responses to my posts. Sadly, there are very few. So please, if you disagree agree with the facts and assumptions in my posts, then share your thoughts and facts. Sadly, it seems the best I get is: “you trash MTH” followed by the poster hiding. Not very interesting or enlightening.

Your response to every post is basically, "these are the signs of a company that is going to die" or "all of the best tooling has been purchased by other companies, how could they possibly succeed?" or "a catalog is a sign of stable and healthy company."

Like a company has never gone through a restructuring before, or discontinued antiquated methods of communicating about their products, or obsolete advertising channels.

Maybe the lean and mean MTH decided to sell off the dead weight, and refocus on new tooling in a few years.  Who knows.  I wouldn't count out the company that reinvented 3-rail O-scale, just like I wouldn't count out the oldest name in the business, Lionel even though they circled the drain several times through the years.

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