Hey Gang,
I was thinking of creating a short term ambassador's club for O scale. (If there is a large interest in the project, we can drop the "short term" ) My vision for the club would be to present a short seminar with a uniform discussion on topics and a layout with minimum specifications. The reason for the uniform discussion is to make the discussion as simple as possible for the presentor and to hit key points about our hobby. The reason for the specifications of the layout is to highlight certains aspects of layout building and to help the builder keep the project under control. Seminars could be given at local area spots, such as at a library, mall, hobby store, etc. Additionally, members could group together and present the seminars together.
March - Gauge interest, collect topical information, collect layout criteria.
March 31 - Finalize suggestions, outline discussion and layout criteria.
April - Engage local area places of interest to set dates for seminars.
April 3 - Publish layout criteria, begin building layouts.
May 1 - Draft of discussion published. Discussion and recommendations.
May 8 - Second draft published and finalized. Begin learning lines.
June 17 - Layouts completed.
July - Presentations.
Here's an example of ideas:
1. Presentation in July
- Any day in July
2. Topics of discussion
- History
- Skills learned (Carpentry, Electrical, Educational)
- Minimum requirements to run a layout
3. Layout
- Not to exceed 4' x 8'
- Must have buildings
Who would be interestd in presenting a seminar? If you don't wish to present, would you assist in the layout building process? If you were to attend a seminar as a person interested in the hobby, what topics do you think you would want to hear discussed?