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No responses at all? Could they be right? US citizens don't know Canada exists? 

OK - I have one. One. Huh. I actually have more Mexican pieces (a handful) than Canadian. Why is that? Gosh - another group of RR's to buy...Oy. Still kicking myself for not buying the Weaver 4-4-4 Jubilee.



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Last edited by D500

Okay, Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette has run articles on some Canadian mining roads, maybe obscure to us south of the border (that border).  The White Pass and Yukon runs in(to) Canada.   I am sure there were others....all those big red grain elevators that once marched across eastern Alberta and the other Canadian prairie provinces.....some of them must have had their own short line serving them.  We have paid our admission and we want to see the models.  (I thought the problem was that U.S. citizens think New Mexico is ruled from Mexico City)

This is the one engine that took me longer to find than any other. The non-powered one will continue to reside in my display case. I use the powered one to pull my MTH Premier Via Rail passenger consist.

It's hard to believe but I found it on the big audit site's Australian counterpart.


 MTH Premier Via Rail Genesis - front angle viewMTH Premier Via Rail Genesis - side angle view.jpg.MTH Premier Via Rail Genesis

Here is the link to the item on the auction website:


Images (3)
  • MTH Premier Via Rail Genesis - front angle view
  • MTH Premier Via Rail Genesis - side angle view.jpg.
  • MTH Premier Via Rail Genesis
Last edited by southernryamtrakfan

Very nice photos good collections.

Here are some shots of my Canadian Pacific "Canadian" Passenger train on the ceiling loop.

And middle loop, runs over the washer dryer in the corner with a Rocky Mountains backdrop.

You can take a look at a lot of Canadian layouts photos and videos on the Canadian Toy Train Associations website;




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John A posted:

To Midnightwrecking-- your CN 6153  and CP 2317 are really cool....did you kit bash them?  What locos did you use  to begin with?  check my post history for some of my kit bashes/repaints of Canadian locos....I will post more after I take some more photos.  John A

Hey John, 6153 is from a 736 Berk and 2317 is from a pre-war 225E and 47 is from an MTH 2-6-0. The tenders are scratch built. I cannot run big scale steamers at present so I fudge them out of semi-scale stuff. 6153 and tender are 21 1/2 inches long.

Last edited by midnightwrecking

I have lots of connections with Canada, so I have included several themes in the layout I am building. First photo reflects my brother-in-law who is a retired heavy crane operator in Halifax. He worked on the Confederation Bridge to PEI. Had to use the CP gondola cars for my magnetic cranes.  Other photos show some fun with the popularity of beer in Canada and lobsters from the maritimes (the lobster car is not a Canadian road name, but still fun).  Mother-in-law born in North Bay, Ontario where we spend our summers on a beautiful lake, so I have an Ontario Northland theme (alas the railway no longer exists).  May look for a Canadian rail name for motorized unit for the rolling stock.  Now pulled by a Lionel loco. All fun.




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