This is a test layout of the very first Lionel three rail track. Don
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nice scenery work!
Hey Don, it looks like they went a little past the 2% grade rule. In fact they blew right past your 2%, my 5% and off the charts.
Hey, Hey, HEY! That could be an early photo of Flex-Track!
I wouldn't want to be a brakeman (or any other crewman) on THAT line.
Looks as though somebody rode the Mt. Washington Cog Railroad and decided to build a backyard version.
She'll be comin' DOWN the mountain when she comes! STAND BACK!
I really don't see a problem as long as she comes downhill!
I think those are wooden rails......can you say splinters? YIKES
Hey Don nice find, At least it's 3 rail
Thanks, Alex
Indiana Jones will be along any second!
That's not the original (Standard Gauge), that's T-rail from the 1930's - you can tell by the tie spacing
She'll be comin' DOWN the mountain when she comes! STAND BACK!
Run, don't stand. And stay on the inside of the curves when you do.
Regarding the photos, very nice!