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This locomotive is from 1994 and no instruction manual is on hand or available on the MTH web site.  There are two swtches under the tab:  one has two arrows with no explanation.  The second switch is ON, OFF with no explanation.  This locomotive will not move in either direction.  A 1994 QSI protosouond board and chip will not respond to #18 reset.

I have reduced voltage below 9 and above 11 - no movement.  The Tech Service Manual has no solution.  Can John Will, George or Jon G. be of assistance?



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Remember that because it's Proto 1 this engine doesn't follow this sequence of states:

   Neutral -> Forward -> Neutral -> Reverse -> Neutral -> Forward, etc.

Instead it follows this sequence:

   RESET -> Forward -> Neutral -> Reverse -> Neutral -> Forward, etc.

(And this RESET is not the same as a #18 Reset.)

Are you saying that it appears to be stuck in the RESET state and never cycles to Forward?


Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike

If it’s just locked in neutral the unlocking instructions for other PS1 engines probably apply. I have two and the unlocking procedures in their manuals are identical.
With the power on press and hold the whistle button. While pressing the whistle button, turn the power off. Release the button and leave the power off for three seconds. You should hear one chime of the reset bell. Turn the power on again. The engine is now in reset mode and will operate normally after power is interrupted and it enters forward direction.

I followed this process yesterday to unlock my PS1 F-3.

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