While looking through an American Models catalog, I was inspired by the photos of the interior of his Budd cars. So a couple months ago, I made a mockup. I didn't have an actual Flyer passenger car at the time so I used the dimensions of a gondola to get a sense of how wanted to go about doing it. The first thing I did after buying a used observation car was to remove the silhouettes (which are really cool the way Lionel/Flyer did them) and replace them with clear styrene in place with clear parts cement. I traced the chassis onto a sheet of styrene and added 1/8 inch basswood strips to the under side thinking it would allow for lighting wire.
Turns out that the strips interfered with the fit of the chassis to the body so I cut them off. Since I had already made the benches, bar, and people in the mockup, I just transferred them to the new floor. The bar is made out of bits and pieces of styrene while the benches were made with balsa.
I use some triangle stock for the backs of the seats and square stock for the seats, glued them together about six inches in length, carved and sanded to shape, and then sliced them off to length. That was much easier than doing each bench individually and they more or less all match. A little Bare Metal Foil to trim them added a little interest. The flower pots were made from wire nuts with a wire armature tree glued in. The standing ash trays add a fifties or sixties touch, but they have since been converted to cup holders. The next project will be to do LED lighting like Banjo Flyer does and posted some time back. Thanks Mark!
This car will join an American Models Budd passenger car as part of an excursion train on my layout. It'll be a nice place to meet, have a beverage, and enjoy rail fanning.