Originally Posted by Mikado 4501:
Everyone has favorite trains.
Sometimes manufacturers make them, sometimes they don't. A lot of people love to suggest certain trains to manufacturers while others make them out of modifications and detailing.
However, once in awhile, the item one desires does get made, maybe after investing a lot of time and money making it for themselves.
So, do you think patience is a virtue, or is now the best time to do anything?
Patience can be a virtue. But at other times it can be hesitation, and has been the ruin of many. Patience sometimes has its reward, as when you find that long-sought treasure: it feels i good when you find it, and for a few the hunt is more important than the treasure anyway . . . . it can be a disappointment, or at least the end of something important in your life, when you do finally find that holy grail.
On the other hand, hesitating - not realizing it just won't happen, or happen soon enough, and not taking another way (repaint another roadname, etc.) can ruin things, too. So having a base of facts and some intelligence to apply to it - often all lumped together as "common sense" - is more important I think, so a person knows when to wait and when not to . . .