Originally Posted by gg1man:
My tender dose not have the back up lights, it's the Lionel add on unity with sound. We have to keep in mind that this is an O-27 engine.
I love your ideas "pahorsescurve" but again, this puppy is not scale, if I could afford the Lionel scale model this whole project would be moot.
That said I love Lionel but I bet this baby smokes alot better then the Lionel up-grade engine that was in their last catalog. Oh ye, "Gandalf97" I'll venture to guess that my engine dose not sound nearly as good as yours either. But I love what I have nonetheless! Oh by the way, how much did you pay for your scale baby?
I delt with a fellow named Jeffery, I think his last name is Steinbacker,
(570) 772 9815. A real nice man to work with. He had to remove my e-unit and replace it with a 4-Amp model to get the real estate he needed for the fan driven smoke unit. Of course he sent me all my old parts. They will be great for a smoking factory or something. I can keep the voltage around a constant 12 to 14 volts to keep the Lionel unit producing smoke. In the engine that would mean that I would need Dale H technology to keep her on the track.
Well I just wonted to share my up graded engine with you and hope Lionel sees this. I love them but I wish they would of done this first, even if I had to pay sixty bucks more for the engine.
Oh yea, the off switch works for the smoke unit.
I wasn't gloating. I have the PE from the set and I did add the TrainSounds tender (which I now regret). I love my non-scale version and it is going to see regular running for years to come. From what I can tell on the video, our non-scale PEs sound alot alike.
As for the scale version, it was a gift from my wife. She got me the engine, the PM tender and Legacy and I purchased the PE tender myself a couple months ago. The sound is FANTASTIC and it will smoke (or not!) as I like but it would have taken me another 2 years to save up for it myself. Way out of my price range! That being said, I am already dropping hints about those scale PE cars...
Good to know about Jeff and his site. I am keeping it bookmarked. I like what he did for your engine.
Eric S.
Saline, MI