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Hi, we spoke about the Polar Express starter engine and it's smoke problems. I sent my engine to JDS and not only got their fan driven smoke generator but their LED package for the boiler face and cab interior.


I hope these photos and video come out ok.  If you like it go to


Have Fun,

Mario E.

PE-Back Head with smoke 02-25-2012

PE-BackHead with lamp

PE-Boiler Face lamp and smoke 02-25-2012


Images (3)
  • PE-Back Head with smoke 02-25-2012
  • PE-BackHead with lamp
  • PE-Boiler Face lamp and smoke 02-25-2012
Videos (1)
PE-smoke test 02-25-2012
Original Post

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Originally Posted by prrhorseshoecurve:

Nice. I like the cab seats. Question does the Headlight, LEd class lights turn off when in reverse?


It would have been nice if they drilled out the open firebox and added the flickering fire also drilled out the guages and added lighted guages.


also does anyone know if the tender needs a "back up light"

My scale PE tender does have a backup light.

My tender dose not have the back up lights, it's the Lionel add on unity with sound. We have to keep in mind that this is an O-27 engine.


I love your ideas "pahorsescurve" but again, this puppy is not scale, if I could afford the Lionel scale model this whole project would be moot.


That said I love Lionel but I bet this baby smokes alot better then the Lionel up-grade engine that was in their last catalog. Oh ye, "Gandalf97" I'll venture to guess that my engine dose not sound nearly as good as yours either. But I love what I have nonetheless! Oh by the way, how much did you pay for your scale baby?


I delt with a fellow named Jeffery, I think his last name is Steinbacker,

(570) 772 9815. A real nice man to work with. He had to remove my e-unit and replace it with a 4-Amp model to get the real estate he needed for the fan driven smoke unit. Of course he sent me all my old parts. They will be great for a smoking factory or something. I can keep the voltage around a constant 12 to 14 volts to keep the Lionel unit producing smoke.  In the engine that would mean that I would need Dale H technology to keep her on the track.


Well I just wonted to share my up graded engine with you and hope Lionel sees this. I love them but I wish they would of done this first, even if I had to pay sixty bucks more for the engine.


Oh yea, the off switch works for the smoke unit.

Originally Posted by gg1man:

My tender dose not have the back up lights, it's the Lionel add on unity with sound. We have to keep in mind that this is an O-27 engine.


I love your ideas "pahorsescurve" but again, this puppy is not scale, if I could afford the Lionel scale model this whole project would be moot.


That said I love Lionel but I bet this baby smokes alot better then the Lionel up-grade engine that was in their last catalog. Oh ye, "Gandalf97" I'll venture to guess that my engine dose not sound nearly as good as yours either. But I love what I have nonetheless! Oh by the way, how much did you pay for your scale baby?


I delt with a fellow named Jeffery, I think his last name is Steinbacker,

(570) 772 9815. A real nice man to work with. He had to remove my e-unit and replace it with a 4-Amp model to get the real estate he needed for the fan driven smoke unit. Of course he sent me all my old parts. They will be great for a smoking factory or something. I can keep the voltage around a constant 12 to 14 volts to keep the Lionel unit producing smoke.  In the engine that would mean that I would need Dale H technology to keep her on the track.


Well I just wonted to share my up graded engine with you and hope Lionel sees this. I love them but I wish they would of done this first, even if I had to pay sixty bucks more for the engine.


Oh yea, the off switch works for the smoke unit.



I wasn't gloating.  I have the PE from the set and I did add the TrainSounds tender (which I now regret).  I love my non-scale version and it is going to see regular running for years to come.  From what I can tell on the video, our non-scale PEs sound alot alike.  


As for the scale version, it was a gift from my wife.  She got me the engine, the PM tender and Legacy and I purchased the PE tender myself a couple months ago.  The sound is FANTASTIC and it will smoke (or not!) as I like but it would have taken me another 2 years to save up for it myself.  Way out of my price range!   That being said, I am already dropping hints about those scale PE cars...  


Good to know about Jeff and his site.  I am keeping it bookmarked.  I like what he did for your engine.



Eric S.

Saline, MI

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