Whatever the situation is, I wish Walter and the other people impacted by this, at Aristo Craft and RMT, the best. Everyone has bills, they roll in like clockwork. It's difficult often keeping up when things are relatively normal. When your business closes or you lose your job, it can get outright awful. Again, we'll keep our fingers crossed and keep these folks in our thoughts. Hopefully they can find a good way forward.
RL NYC right on, agree with everything you posted. Walter is a great guy one of he best in the business, hopefully everything will come together and work out for him and RMT.
The thought that comes to my mind is another company we bought from that won't have any parts for repairs....sigh
Parts availability for a variety of reasons, seems to be another negative trend in this scale, which was not the case back in the day in terms of planned obsolesce in addition to revisions, electronics, etc, let alone a firm going under.
In terms of an investment that can be maintained beyond ten or so years, this is now somewhat risky, especially when you are talking about a discretionary purchase whose costs keep rising. In this case it seems they are sabotaging themselves.
All of this makes me suspect their profit margins are not that great in O. which explains the rounds of diversification into other scales.
I think Walter would have chimed in by now if there was a good answer for RMT. the only place you hear Walter now is on the buy sell forum. is he afraid to talk to us?
There's a lot involved in a situation like this. You just don't pick-up your tooling, walk out the door and start over again.
Well, if you own the tooling, then it is just that easy...well, getting it shipped to the new destination once one figures that out. Theres plenty of plastic injection molders over there as well as qualified techs to get the job done...he{Walter} could very well be setting this up as we speculate.
Either way- I hope this neat lil line keeps rolling on down the tracks!...I just hope the new digs will keep us in spare parts a tad better{like more powered chassis' for kitbashing}
I'll add this left field comment- if one thought the bay had highly priced RMT objects before.......
.....and no, I'm hanging onto all mine with both hands!
If you look at this thread one might wonder why Walt/RMT would even bother to try to set up shop again, seems unless he gives his stuff away, its too expensive