GregM posted: ...As for this statement;
"Its the universal payment system nowadays."
I believe that will remain "cash" until done away with...
Really? I have not paid for anything with CASH for years, other than the occasional lunch at a fast food place.
It is much more convenient to put our purchases on a credit card, then get on line at the end of the month and pay the bill with a few mouse clicks. No interest, no fees, just convenience. All our utility bills, plus cable, phone and internet for the house and the satellite service in the motor home are paid automatically with a direct draw from the checking checks to write and mail. My Railroad Retirement (equivalent to Social Security) monthly payment is a direct deposit to my checking check.
Out of about a dozen web clients, only one still pays me with a monthly check. All the others use PayPal.
As an aside to this subject...20 years ago there were aviation companies all over the country that flew cancelled checks back to their respective banks everyday. That was their only business...flying cancelled checks at night. In my area in northeast Ohio, there was an outfit at Lorain County Airport that had a fleet of 24 Aerostars that they used every night to fly cancelled checks. In that era, during the wee hours of every morning, there were thousands of small aircraft in the air carrying cancelled checks. Today, there are none. That business is completely gone now, mainly for two reasons. The internet, and the drastic drop in the number of checks written these days.
Like it or not, cash (and checks) are on their way out.