I am by NO means an electronics guy, so I'm looking here for ideas to power LEDs that we will be placing on our layout. I know the difference between wiring things in series vs. parallel but I don't feel these circuits in my bones the way some of the EEs on the list do...
The LEDs on our layout will largely be strung along a bridge we're building. There will be about 100 on the bridge (which is similar to the prototype we're modeling). We will also be powering LEDs like the one on the O Scale figure who smokes a cigar with a lit LED on the end of the cigar, as well as a others that come up as we think of them. In other words, unlike LEDs used in passenger cars, ours don't need any fancy constant-lighting circuits or anything like that.
My question is: Assuming the voltages/amps are similar, is it a viable option to simply hook these up to a DC transformer, set the voltage to the range needed by the LED, turn the transformer on, and be done with it? Or are there other circuits that are supposed to feed into the LEDs? One transformer I'm thinking about is shown below:
I really know very little about this so any and all suggestions, advice, guidance, etc. are most welcome.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Steven J. Serenska