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I purchase a older Ps2 4-8-4  with a newly installed battery and it ran beautifully for about an hour. After the running session, I shut it down for the night.  In the morning nothing, not even the preliminary ticks you hear when powering up before booting the locomotive into DCS. Any ideas? I checked the battery and it was fine.

Thanks, Schumann

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Wow, a bummer.  I'd start by making sure the track is getting power and that other locos run without problem - seems just as likely to me that the power supply would break overnight as a loco that was just running.  Then, assuming track power is not the problem, I'd clean the wheels and rollers until them gleam: sounds silly but it is amazing how many problems I've seen fixed by this simple step. 

If this is the 5V system (uses the 8.4V battery) it happens.  I have had to upgrade a lot of Older PS-2 5V Northerns to the PS-2 3V with 5V connectors. 


I would do as Lee says and make sure you are getting power to the engine.  Make sure tether installed completely.  If that doesn't solve the problem, need to have a tech look at it unless you feel comfortable removing the engine shell.  The board is tucked up inside the engine and is not easy to get to, but you can check the back plug that connects to the rear of the engine.  It may have come loose in shipping.  G


I am pretty sure the PS-2 board is in the engine on the Premier Northerns.  He only looses sound and battery if the tender is disconnected. 

In that case, are the pickups on the engine or on the tender? If they're on the tender, a loose tether could look like a dead board. If on the engine, then I agree that the problem isn't the tether.

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