Those of you that have already pre-ordered, THANK YOU! I will be keeping my pre-order customers updated with occasional e-mails as to the ongoing developments and share with you prototypical research information so we can be sure your Boston & Albany caboose model is as close to prototypical accuracy as possible. The computer renderings I have shown thus far are just samples I produced by myself. The actual production artwork is not done yet and my pre-order customers will be the first to see and comment about them during the development process.
Here's something new we haven't announced yet.....WE ARE OFFERING OUR BOSTON & ALBANY AND NEW YORK CENTRAL CABOOSE MODELS WITH TWO-RAIL Scale Wheels complete with 700 Series Kadee Couplers installed! Pricing and details will be announced soon.
Do we have your e-mail address? If not, e-mail with "Add my e-mail address to my caboose pre-order" in the subject line.