We have had pm 1 powermaster for years. Bought back in 1996. But it has started giving us problems. I can't get the red light to come on that shows it is receiving a signal, we were using it in the command mode and then went back to conventional using the powermaster it it would act goofy. It won't respond in conventional mode tonite. The red light won't come on . Appreciate any help you can give me. i tried searching the forums history but didn't make out, Charlie Criss thanks again
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Does your PM-1 have flush red and green LED'S or little indents with the LED's exposed?
If purchased in '96, they're flush.
Mine had a 7 1/2 amp cartridge fuse in series from the power supply to the power master. It came with the power master and was not an add on.
They are flush as Rob said.
How do reassign a channel?
How do reassign a channel?
Reprogram the PM-1 as TR-1, TR-2, or TR-3, etc.
ADCX Rob is correct. Slide the run/program switch to program on the PM-1 and then press the TR button and then pick your single digit number 1-9. Then slide the the run/pgm switch to run.
Is it possible you accidentally set the run/program switch to program when you switched it from cmd to conv?
Also, fwiw, I've had 3 PM-1's since 96 also. While I do run mostly command, I've always left them set in conventional. I just power up the Track before I select the Engine ID. I use TR 1-3 for track control and use TR4-9 for any "lashups" in command mode.
Dale Manquen, a Forum member, repairs them.
Thanks for all your help. I took it all a part and didn't see anything goofy in there. I did mess with crystal tried to see if anything looked corded in there. Put power to the girl before i put it back together. And bingo the old girl came to life. I was wondering will the tmcc base fight with this if it is on. As last night when i was trying to fire the old girl up the base was on and was receiving a signal . Just wondering. charlie criss
They will play along fine as long as the PM-1 is locked down in "Run" and "Conv".