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I'm at my wits end, and I'm hoping some of you guys might be able to help. I'm finally getting around to updating my two TIUs to 4.2 with Loader 2.3, and I'm hitting a brick wall that I just can't get around. I haven't updated the TIUs in some time, so I'm a bit rusty, but I can't figure out what I'm missing here.


I am using a laptop running Windows 7 (32 bit, professional) and a USB to serial converter (same hardware I've used before, except it's a new installation of Windows; not an update from XP). The old version of the loader was NOT on the machine prior to installing 2.3. I installed Loader 2.3 (downloaded the 32 bit version), and downloaded the software for the TIU. Here's a step by step of what I'm seeing here:


1). Connect USB to serial adapter to the machine. Windows recognizes it for what it is, and assigns it COM5.

2). Connect serial adapter to the TIU (TIU is off).

3). Connect a stereo (I'm 99.9% sure it's stereo) connector between the ProtoCast and ProtoDispatch ports on the TIU.

4). Apply power to the TIU. Red light in TIU is solid.

5). Open the Loader program.

6). Select Options > Serial Port > Auto Search for TIU

7). Press start button.

8). Status window says, "Searching for TIU on COM5," and a pop-up windows says, "WARNING: Unable to search for TIU on COM4". Press OK.

9). Another window pops up, saying, "WARNING: Unable to search for TIU on COM 3". Press OK.

10). Another window pops up, saying " Auto Search for TIU is complete! TIU found on COM5." Press OK.

11). Select System > Send Code to the TIU. Press Start.

12). Navigate to the TIU 4.2 update file and select it.

13). Status window shows that the update file is loaded and says, "Searching for TIU on COM5...."

14). Eventually the loader times out and gives an error window that says, "WARNING: The program is having a hard time finding a TIU connected. Confirm that all the [sic] connections are correct and cycle the power on the TIU."


Cycling has no effect, and I've confirmed all of the connections. This is happening to two separate TIUs so I don't think it's the MTH hardware. 

So to boil it down, does anyone recognize these symptoms? Is it an audio cable problem? Serial? Windows 7?  .NET?


Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.




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Since the Loader Program found the TIU when it searched for it and didn't when it was attempting to do an update, the problem is most likely the cable. I say this because with the cable plugged in, the Loader program should not have found the TIU during the manual search and should have found it for the update.


You say the red LED was on solid. ARre you sure that it didn't blink once before being on solid? If it did, the cable is almost certainly not a stereo cable r is not plugged all the way into both ports.


In effect, everything is behaving as if the cable was not plugged in.


Make sure that the cable is stereo and that it's plugged in all the way. Also, did you install; a copy of the Loader Program that included .Net? You cannot be certain that Windows has a new enough version for the Loader Program 2.30.



Thanks for the insight, as always. I had to head out of town not long after your reply, but I was able to determine the following:


I have three audio cables that I can use, so I tested each one. I'm glad you asked me to make SURE about the red light, as you'll see in a moment, but I'm still not out of the woods. Here's the outcome (I turned on the TIU with the cable in question attached and firmly seated):


Cable 1: TIU turns on and the red light blinks ONCE about 2 seconds after power is applied. Loader program CAN FIND the TIU, but can't load software, as outlined in the previous post.


Cable 2: TIU turns on and the red light blinks ONCE about 2 seconds after power is applied. Loader program CAN FIND the TIU, but can't load software, as outlined in the previous post. In other words, the same results as Cable 1.


Cable 3: TIU turns on and the red light STAYS SOLID. Loader program, however CANNOT FIND the TIU and can't load software, as outlined in the previous post.


So what perplexes me is that the Cable 3 scenario SHOULD work, since the light stays solid, right?


The next thing on my list is to go to Radio Shack and just get a new audio cable so I know what I'm working with, but if you have any more insight based on the above findings, it'd be much appreciated.




Cable 3 should be fine. It's only job is to put the TIU into program mode, which it did because the red LED came on steady without blinking. Dob't waste your time or money with a new cable.


Next is the question that I asked previously above:  did you install; a copy of the Loader Program that included .Net? You cannot be certain that your Windows has a new enough version for the Loader Program 2.30, or that it has .NET installed at all.



I installed the 32 bit version of DCS Loader 2.3. The release notes for that particular version indicate that it contains .NET 2.0, which I'm assuming is the minimum required version. I'm running Windows 7 Professional 32 bit, and it looks like I have .NET 4.0 installed (I keep Windows 7 pretty well updated), along with 3.5, 3.0, and 2.0.50727.


Should I consider re-installing, or did I miss a special .NET installation I was supposed to run?



Cable 3: TIU turns on and the red light STAYS SOLID. Loader program, however CANNOT FIND the TIU and can't load software, as outlined in the previous post.

With a good cable connected, the TIU will not find the TIU when just doing a search for a TIU amongst the COM Ports.


Try this:

  • Disconnect the jumper #3 and reboot the TIU
  • Tell the TIU to search for the TIU. It should find it.
  • Power off the TIU, insert the cable, power on the TIU, and try to load software.

Post exactly what you do next and exactly what are the results.



Sorry for the long delay between posts; I've been on the road for work in the meantime.


This weekend I sat down to follow your suggestions, but before I did, I remembered that I had a brand new audio cable in my travel bag that I had been using to connect my iPhone to the various rental car audio systems while I was traveling. I had just bought it from Target and I knew it was stereo. So I gave it a whirl. And what do you know, it worked, and both TIUs are now upgraded to 4.2.0.


Of course, this begs the question as to why the previous audio cable that appeared to put the TIU into programming mode (red light came on steady with no blinking), resulted in a no-upgrade scenario, while the results using this cable went as expected. 


Frankly, I'm not complaining, though, and I'm just going to stick to the cable I used this weekend from now on, even though the other one should have worked.


Thanks again for the help.



Please allow me to interject here. I just went through this upgrading my TIU with windows vista and I may be able to answer your confusion. The option in the loader program that finds the COM port will not work with the audio cable pluged in. If you do not find the COM port the loader program will not know which com port to talk to and will not load the software. You must first find the com port without the audio cable. Then load the software with the audio cable pluged in.



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