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Thought I would post a bunch of pictures of the progress on the two harbor scenes on the layout.  I recently acquired 3 more Lionel tugboats and a few smaller vessels to populate the water.  There are two major harbor scenes.  The deep water "canal" that has a MTH bridge converted into a swivel bridge for passage of tall ships.  The other is the main harbor located on the north shore of the city which has a lionel lift bridge and lighthouse.  As usual, I still have a lot to do to finish up these areas including weathering, finishing the breakwater along the water front warehouses, etc.... (sorry for the pink foam layers showing). 


There are 23 pictures for your viewing.  If you right click on a picture and then click on "Open link in new window", you will get a full page view.  I hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask any questions....









































































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Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks Paul!!  The lift bridge is operational and is the large Lionel model that was produced in the 90's.


Chris...I appreciate your nice comment.  I enjoy the details and there will be more as I get into the actually scenery.


Thank you Spence!


Alex (Ingeniero No1)...thank you!...I am not sure about your question as I don't see the hook to which you are referring...could it be in another picture?? 


Brian...thanks....Alex Malliae knows the story behind those tugboats.  Up until this past week or so, I only had one but you might say I hit the jackpot!!


Alex M....thank you so much for your nice comments and your friendship!! 


Thank you Ken...we are about ready for the article.  Allan Miller has been very patient with me!!


Dan...I appreciate you enjoying the pictures and following my progress.


Bobby...thank you and just let me know if I can help get that harbor scene on your layout!


Mike....yeah, you are probably correct.  It does look more like a river way scene.  The green colored water is actually the harbor area and the bluer water is the deep water area on the east side of the city.  I sure remember those days when the Chicago river was turned green for St. Patty day!!


Thank you Jim...and you are welcome!!


Thanks Dave...I have admired your work too and follow your posts!




Thanks Marty for the kind words.  I bet it will be a long time before you go to that roundhouse!!  You and Dotty have a place here waiting for your visit!!!


Thank you Dave...I am hoping that the next time you are over on this side of the big pond that you make it to the "interior" (Arkansas!).


FCMR 21....Glad you like the scenes!!  Thanks...


Alex...sorry about had mentioned the hooks in picture 17....but now I see you meant picture 12!!  Those hooks are part of two gantry cranes I have on an elevated track along the harbor shore for loading and unloading.


I will post a picture of that area tonight for you...




Alan WOW!! AWESOME work. Funny thing about the impression I had while viewing the pictures and reading the other comments. I felt I was in Chicago on a nice warm sunny day and then I thought about the picture I posted below and I said OHHH ST. PADDY'S DAY.....YESSSSS... and then I saw MichMikeM POST. iT SURE REMINDED ME OF MY TRIPS TO DOWNTOWN CHICAGO FOR SURE. The I think you might need a water cop to keep the boats in their own lanes. Very very nice work Alan. Thanks for sharing with us. I have been busy and not paying as close attention as I normally would to the OGR so I am late posting.







Don....thank you..and just wanted you to know that I hope some day my city looks as nice as yours!!  I am planning on a barge but with containers situating it next to the intermodal yard with a crane to lift the containers.  I would like some homies...don't know where to get them though....


Bill....your comment about how the picture makes you feel really means a lot since that is exactly what I want that area of the layout to do.  When you stand there, you are surrounded by tall buildings and it makes one feel that they are part of the thank you so much!


Thanks Rich....soon I will be working on the east backdrop and will be calling you!!


NYC KID....thank you.  The buildings are a combination of completely scratch built to out of the box.  There is little on the market as far as tall buildings so you will have to make most of what you need.  If you want to know more, please feel free to e-mail me through my profile.




Alex...Again, thank you for your kind words.  We will figure out how to visit each other's layout sometime soon!!


Thanks Scott....the elevated structure was custom made out of plastic sheet and masonite.


Rick....thanks and you know you are welcome anytime to come by...glad we live pretty close to one another!


Thank you Bill....always nice to read your encouraging words!


John....thanks for your much appreciated comment....good to hear from you!


Don....the plan worked out better than expected because of you my friend!!  I thank you so much for making the tugboats available at a very fair price!!  Wouldn't have happened without your help....


Captain John....thanks so much...the scenes are a tribute to guys like you my friend!


Alan...always means a bunch when you make your encouraging comments.  You are the master and I am the student for sure but I really appreciate you...thanks so much.


Jeff...thank you!!  Your comments are very much appreciated.


Thanks Carl!!   You are invited anytime....just come on down!!


Lee...Thank you for your are the king of water action on a layout so your post means a lot!


Steve...thanks!....there is so much more to do.  I am getting close to most scenes being in place so now the hard work is ahead of me...making it look real through weathering!!  (right "Vulcan"!!)


Pelham.....Glad you enjoyed the cruise ship.  It is out of scale of course but I have been considering turning it into a pleasure yacht to make it more believable next to the scale tugboats, etc. 





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