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Biting the bullet, waiting on my digikey, mouser, and oshpark orders to come in. I figure I'll try and solder the board first, if I don't screw that up then soldering a 3 pin header on an unreplaceable board should be a walk in the park. Happy to see all this was worked out by you guys way before I even considered dead power yards.

@gunrunnerjohn Can you add a BOM to the first post? I found another thread with a BOM list... but now that I have it all in front of me it looks like I may be missing something.

Here's the thread I found the BOM originally:

However it appears this WD gen rev uses a different PCB layout/parts from the post above

Edit: I'm just now realizing that the BOM on that thread is for an older 555 revision of the board. I see a Rev 2 on the bottom of this board so that explains the wildly different PCB layouts

Last edited by SirCaptain

Here's the BOM for your version, that was the first generation of the design.  The 555 version was the later version, it required no calibration.

Ahhh gotcha, well good thing these pcb's were extremely cheap lol

@rtr12 posted:

I have a few kits left for the 555 version of the PBW. Send me an email if interested, email is in my profile.

It sure would be nice of MTH did resume production of the remote commanders.

shot an email over

@Dougklink posted:

Gunrunnerjohn I see you are doing this with a 10-1033 RC.  I have a 10-1028, the older style.  Do you have a connection diagram for your timer onto that PCB?  It doesn't have the 3 unused  to through holes.  Thanks.

The the first generation WD generator was developed eight years ago and it worked fine in the DCS-RC at the time.  Perhaps a picture of the board you have, I've never seen one that didn't have the connections used for the WD generator.

@Dougklink posted:

This is the one I have.  It has the controller with only 4 buttons and the rocker.


And that's the wrong one for the purpose of this topic. It is NOT DCS capable and only varies AC track voltage in conventional mode.

Again, to be clear- that is a boat anchor or door stop in the context of wanting to use it to generate a watchdog signal for DCS. There is no possible modification for that particular unit.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

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