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Soo Line,


The whistle steam on this locomotive is in my opinion the best one Lionel ever produced. 


The amount of smoke it produces is highly realistic and I love it. I have yet to see a whistle steam effect that produces as much smoke as mine. 


If you can find one regardless of whether its the pennsy version or not get it!

Ron...if Lionel produces another one of these for around the same price point (I bought at $595) I'll be in! I wanted the pre-war paint scheme because 1) the gold wheels look amazing at high speeds and 2) I wanted a more out of factory look on the 460 before a keystone was placed on her. I said if you can find one you are very very lucky! Best of luck with your find! 

PennsyPride94:  That is sweet sounding loco with Legacy.  I had not seen a Legacy version in action before but did see a TMCC.  I have been looking for either a Legacy version or a TMCC version for sometime and one got away from me on ebay.  Luckley, a forum member offered to sell me his that had ERR installed in it.  I got Wednesday and ran it a short distance.  The next day, I was running it on a section of the layout and there were 2 switches where it stalled out when going through O-72 switches.  I made an auxiliary tether so that the rear tender pickup roller can deliver running power to the engine.  I installed a reed switch and magnets on one drive and get 4 chuffs with a little hiccup.  It is a great looking loco and your video is appreciated so that we can see Legacy in action.  Congrats on your loco.  

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