Hey all! This may be an odd request but I’m asking it anyway. One of my reasons for going with Atlas track on our shelf layout was all of the deals I was having to pass up on 2 rail cars. I run a lot of mail/baggage express trains and I’m slowly converting to Kadee. That being said, I’ve purchased quite a bit of 2 rail O scale cars over the past few months, all with steel/metal wheels. Is there a way to non insulate those wheels, maybe solder a tiny piece of wire on the inside of the wheels and go around the axle or something, so that I can continue to use my insulated rails to trip signals?
I know this is an odd request but surely there’s a way to make this work. I don’t use switches nor do I plan to, and the 2 rail cars match up perfectly to my already converted cars with Kadee couplers. If this is possible, I don’t mind doing the work.