JP-9 is Over head blinking light (LED). It may be dependent on the software of the chip.
John, I have a scanner, it is the readable issue:-)
It is a simple board. The later MTH boards had all the connectors in place. Under the bottom board which is the DCRU like board is AC in and motor leads. The lighting plugs Marty discussed are directional and 1.5V outputs. The speaker jumper and the volume pot are on the top sound board. JP-9 is the LED beacon for diesels. On QSI systems it can drive a smoke unit for steam. There is another plug on the bottom board for LED lighting (yellow) and white for the battery.
The 4 pin connector for coupler is misleading. The ACG is common for 2 pins and then the others apply the + voltage for operating the coupler. The system only has one power supply and cap for one coupler. A switch was used to select which coupler is fired. QSI had a kit to add the second independent coupler operation.'
The QSI manual is worth a read.
Additionally DCRU and the bottom board are not interchangeable. There are extra power supplies on the P4 board to drive the sound board. QSI had a separate power supply board that was provided with the sound board. So a QSI system had a 3 board stack. MTH had the 2 board stack. G