Specifically, I refer to:1. Keep your finger away from the Protocast button.
2. Purchase only new locomotives under warranty.
3. Limit your maintenance activities to lubrication of gears and rollers.
4. If the need for any further maintenance or a repair is thought to be required take the locomotive or electronic device to an MTH trained and authorized technician.
Those were not the most important of Ted's messages, as I read them. You need to read between the lines and understand what Ted was getting at.
You didn't pay any attention to what several of us were saying. When I posted a not-so-subtle "I told you so" after MTH told you exactly what I had posted 3 weeks earlier, you didn't have the good graces to even admit that you should have paid better attention.
Nearly every time someone posted an idea, you pretty much either dismissed it or paid it lip service. You were much more interested in telling us all what you thought. Even when we attempted to state how your suppositions weren't reasonable, you would a argue your point, and your arguments were based on ignorance of how DCS works.
You just had to be blaming everyone and everything for what turned out to be your own mistakes. When MTH reiterated what was the most likely cause of your problems, you criticized MTH for allowing a very minor, rather well-known bug to persist rather than take any responsibility for your own actions.
You also needed to get the last word on any discussion. You have no idea how frustrating your posts were to those of us who were attempting to assist you.
I'm going to attempt to not respond further to this thread unless I am forced to do so.
You might also be best served by limiting your response to this post to simply recognizing what you've done and to changing your future behavior in this regard. However, if you simply can't stay silent, feel free to go for the last word.