Thanks for purchasing my book!
The engine I was considering is a #7 from 2011. I was wondering if I should wait for a ps3 version. It looks like the perfect engine for my inner loop and just looks cheery.
I'm not understanding what engine you're discussing, however, whatever engine you eventually decide to purchase should be whatever you like. It's your opinion that matters. You won't go wrong no matter what PS2 or PS3 engine you decide to purchase.
When I get to wiring I understand twisted wire is in order and a star pattern rather than a buss system. So far it looks like more wiring than I am used to but the layout is small so it shouldn't be to much extra work.
It's really not much more work to wire using the star method than a buss scheme. Either way, you need to create isolated track blocks. Just follow the book's recommendations and you won't go wrong.
do I need a windows computer to update whatever? But I suppose thats in the book to
Yes, you do. It's all explained in the book, in great detail.