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I have an MTH 20-20335 GP40 that has started missing the watchdog signal. I have previously always left the handles up on an MRC PP Dual and turn things on with its switch. TIU is powered with that transformer's ACC posts to AUX power. No startup problems with my two PS3 and two PS2 engines. I did power the problem engine on a switched siding a short time ago and it took off at top speed. My other engines start up in conventional when switched on this way. Now the GP40 takes off every time on startup; full speed, full volume, the works. I can prevent it by holding the startup button when I power the layout, and everything is normal. Other engines start normally, even on the same track. I have deleted and added, feature reset, and factory reset the engine, all with no joy. This engine used to start just like all the rest until I switched it on while on the unpowered siding. I have 10s everywhere.         ????

Last edited by John H
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After 2 hours, I have some results. I was able to get a conventional reset after about 25 tries and burning traction tires. First restart came up in command. After that, all restarts came up in conventional with full sound, smoke, and lights. The startup button took care of that and all was normal(resetting sound and smoke). Four or five restarts later, same old. It would take off like a bat outta hell immediately on power. 30 attempts later I got another conventional reset. Now at least it starts every time in regular conventional, and I just use the startup to get it into DCS,

I did figure the voltage out. I just let it go around slowly and finally got the reset. I could do it easily when it was actually in conventional, but what a struggle when it was in "rogue mode". Barry, you may have it. I have had it apart two times lately for anemic smoke, and it's a real chore putting the shell back on because of the ditch light wires. I took the top off the smoke unit to check the wick, but all was ok so I just put it back together. I'll take the shell off tomorrow and see if I can find something.  Thanks to you and RJR for the help.

I took the shell off this morning. There were no obvious wires with problems. I put it on the track without the shell and it started perfectly five times. I carefully put it back together and it has started in command for another five times. The only notable thing I did was to straighten up the row of capacitors, as they were leaning on all the wires going across the top of the board. Obviously there was something wrong; it's just isn't obvious what it was. Thanks for all the help.

I was watching this, and this issue has been addressed before.  Sorry I did not chime in earlier.

First, a Track signal test is also dependent on the engine.  Because you have 10s with other engine, means your track and TIU are wired properly,  BUT that does not mean another engine can't have and issue that effects how it reads DCS signal.  That engine could be a 1 on your same track.

For diesels, it has been documented that if the wire bundle is too close to the Signal transformer Toroid near the 8 pin connector/relay the DCS signal to the engine is effected.  When you went in and straightened the wire you probably moved them away and restored DCS Signal reception for this engine.

I have seen engine work fine on TIU but not on a DCS Remote Cdr, read signal strength and that engine reads 6 or 7.  Move wires and it goes up to 10 and starts working again with DCS Remote Cdr.

The other issue is that PS-3 have had some issues reading watch dog, depending on how the TIU is powered (AUX versus F1) and how rapidly the TIU is powered up.  So that can factor in too.   G

I'm pulling a lighted dummy that may have a cv board, I can't remember. But that has always been in the picture without problems. Just took time out to go to a movie and when I got back the engine is starting in conventional again. I can live with that because startup works to get it into DCS. I would like to get the problem figured out, because it used to be fine. I guess I'll have to decide whether to send it out To fix it.

Seems you've   tried just about everything . The engine should remain  be dark and silent upon track power up (var set to FXD)   . I don't know whether it's worth trying  a small test track with only the engine  and perhaps a different channel....    .  Yep! just 1  or 2 sections  of track....   Same thing?? 

So coming back full circle.  If you place this PS-3 GP-40 on the main track, apply power does it still take off at full speed?  Or has that stopped and it just starts up in conventional?

Besides doing a DCS factory reset, do a conventional reset with a transformer.    Let it start up, hopefully not moving, but keep voltage around 10V or less.  Press 1W and 5B in rapid succession.  Hear 2 confirming toots. Shut off power. Wait 1 minute and try on DCS.

Picture attached.


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The engine does not take off at full speed any more. I was able to do the reset and it hasn't done it since. I'm used to the procedure, because I had a PS2 before I got DCS. It was very difficult to do when it was taking off, but no problem when in conventional. I'll do it again, because I did another factory reset. I haven't got to the train room yet, so I'll try it shortly. I will set up a test track and go from there.

Set up a test track and had a crazy spell where it jerked forward and took off backwards. I put it on the layout and got a conventional reset again, so now it's back to starting up in conventional every time, both on the test track and on the layout without anything else on the track. If I put another PS2 on with it, that one starts in command and the PS3 starts in conventional. Same results with shell off. Like I said before, it's not something I can't live with as long as it doesn't take off like before.

After all the troubles this engine came back to near normal for a while. In the last week it got progressively worse. Track signal nonexistant to 2 or 3 all over when the other engine on the same track gave all 10s. It does not take off on startup like before, but misses the watchdog and loses settings all the time, such as suddenly no lighting until I turn everything back on. It turns out RJR had the solution. I took the MTH dummy off and track signal went to 10 all the way around. I had done this before, but maybe I hadn't done the resets when I did, I'm not sure. I know when I was running just the chassis the dummy was not on the track and I still had problems, and they ran together for a long time without problems. So thanks, RJR and all the rest of you who helped. My question now is will the chokes recommended by Gunrunnerjohn solve the voltage board problem and where should they go in the wiring? It looks to me like 2 cv boards and 2 terminal boards in the picture.IMG_0854


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It looks like the only thing that improved is the track signal. With nothing else on the track the engine always starts in conventional and some of the time goes rogue again. Rogue is a slight jerk forward and then full speed reverse. Other times I can't get it into neutral to do a reset. I have done all three resets, but I am never sure how it is going to start. Sometimes in conventional the horn button acts like a direction button, and cycling the handle off to change direction blows the horn. The last two times it has started in conventional and I can go to command with startup or shutdown. I expected better result when the signal improved, but got the opposite. Not sure where to go next. Everything worked fine for two months with the lighted dummy before all this started.

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