OOPS--I Pulled the switch before I had entered the pictures and there is no way of deleting an entry (at least as I found) so anyway here are the pictures that were supposed to go in the post above - SORRY!!
The MPC "Wabash Cannonball" set from 1972-73 Here is the set box.
Here is the inside of the box with both the trains and all of the "paper items" that came packed with the set. Note the List of Authorized Service Stations 1972-73, Track planning and operating instructions for the trains, instructions for wiring and operating accessories (none included), an accessories catalog and a warranty. By the way, we have talked about cost. Well this set had a price list included for the items you could buy individually. The most expensive steam engine (a 4-6-4 Hudson) was $97.66, the most expensive diesel (IC GP-9) was $44.99, all the rolling stock was between $4.68 (CN Hopper) and $9.30 (9700 series box cars ), track sections were 50 cents each straight or curved, RCS and crossings were $6.99. (In case you are interested, inflation factor from 1972 $ to Dec 2021 $ is 6.78)
A little closer view of the trains / track / and transformer. Note one difference between the box cover picture and the trains included. The picture shows a sloped back tender, in fact the tender included is a more traditional square tender.
Here is a close up of the #8040 engine. Which after lubrication ran fine. Probably been sitting in that box for 20 years!
Here is the caboose. It like most of the rolling stock is on the low cost end is almost fully plastic. However the train had no trouble negotiating my level layout and 0-22 switches. Nothing came off the track.
Here is the full train.
So most certainly not one of the top of the line sets, but somewhat above a "starter set" I think it gave good value. My engine ran well but did not have smoke, light or whistle.