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I have a couple of the newer Legacy engines with the dual chamber smoke units with the separate switches on top of the boiler that allows you to turn off main steam and/or whistle steam. When you turn off the main steam and leave whistle steam on does that shut down the fan and the heating element for main steam? Same question for whistle steam.


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@Norton posted:

A dual smoke unit is just that. Two fan motors, two resistors, and two chambers. They just come in one housing.


Right, got that. I just wanted to make sure that say if I wanted whistle steam only and put the main steam switch in the off position, then the main steam heating element and fan are both powered off or at least the heating element is off. In older TMCC smoke units just the heating element is powered down, the fan continues to puff.


@kanawha posted:

I have a couple of the newer Legacy engines with the dual chamber smoke units with the separate switches on top of the boiler that allows you to turn off main steam and/or whistle steam. When you turn off the main steam and leave whistle steam on does that shut down the fan and the heating element for main steam? Same question for whistle steam.


Switching it off turns off power to the smoke unit entirely, for slightly older Legacy engines it also disables the ability for the board to detect the motor and resistor in the smoke unit

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