3rd Rail engines not starting in neutral when no TMCC signal is present?
- the two 3rd Rail loco's that went off the rails were parked on a roundtable leg with only 4-5 inches of track before the drop (soon to be fixed). No kill switch on the planet is going to be fast enough to stop them. Have you seen how fast an engine goes at 20 volts!
- I've done some testing under controlled (read: safe) conditions now. These two 3rd Rail loco's will take off at full speed 100% of the time the moment power is put to the track if there is no TMCC signal. I pulled another 3rd Rail loco out of the box and tested it too. It does it as well. It seems this is a possible TAS issue of not being in neutral. Anybody else wish to test? Put a 3rd rail loco on a very safe track and give it power. I don't mean the traditional conventional power of on then off then forward. I mean power off and has been off a very long time. Then give it 20 volts and tell me what it does. I've got three 3rd Rail loco's that all take off immediately. I believe all 3 are using TAS.
I'm wondering if the situation is unique to my layout or broader across all 3rd rail TAS equipped engines.