Couldn't wait to share. . .
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Hellava nice. How did you fabricate ports on each door?
I've only soon only other modeler attempt what you did. Forgot who.
Great job!!!
Get some clear styrene plastic sheets. Cut pieces to fit over the rectangular door windows on the R17 template car. Trace circles of the appropriate dimension on the plastic cover piece. Color match some paint to blend with the overall maroon color on the R17, paint around the circles and the portholes appear.
Hello CTS Rapid
Very Nice Job --- you used an MTH R-17 Model as I see as the body basis ---- all looks great EXCEPT the roof --- the arch roof R-15 cars did not have the twin parallel row of longitudal roof vents which later came on the later arch roof cars of the R-17 IRT Cars (and R-16 BMT-IND Cars)....and later SMEE Cars.
ALSO -- on the IND R-10 cars, the IRT R-12, R-14 and R-15 Cars, the three sets of car-side leaf-doors on those cars were directly straight ACROSS the floor from each other on both sides of the car bodies, - which made room for the door pockets at each end of the car sides as well as a motormans' side window on one end (the right side) and a passenger seat-window at the opposite (left) side end -- like drawing below
.Cab window.................................DOOR--DOOR ......................................DOOR--DOOR...................................DOOR--DOOR window
Seat window.................................DOOR--DOOR........................................DOOR--DOOR...................................DOOR--DOOR..................................... Cab window
All later SMEE cars from the R-17 onward had the 3 pairs of leaf-door sets staggered from each other across the floors --like drawing below
.Cab window..............................................DOOR--DOOR...........................................DOOR--DOOR.......................................DOOR--DOOR.........................................
............................................DOOR__DOOR............................................DOOR__DOOR.........................................DOOR--DOOR.......................................Cab window
I hope the drawings don't get scrambled -- heh
But otherwise, beautiful work, and the paint job looks very great !!!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subway Depot >>>>>>>>>>> --
I was the only other person who made R-15 cars -- fully scratch-built (not from MTH Bodies)
(Gee, how could you forget my name - heh !!)
Here again are some photos of my own R-15 models --- I did them as they appeared repainted in the MTA Platinum Silver-with blue band scheme.
Regards - Joe F
You can't fool the master! Once again, you absolutely nailed the two major discrepancies. Re the first, that was a deliberate decision to keep the vents in order to preserve the integrity of that great MTH paint job on the roof. It also exposes the limits of my own kit-bashing ability. I was sort of stuck with the second variation (i.e., the door design) and I just had to make the best of it. There is a third difference which you did not mention, only because it's impossible to spot it in the dark head-on pic. That is the employment of four headlights in two vertical pairs on the R17s and successors. As you know, as-delivered R15s had only two headlights each end, with extra headlights retrofitted subsequently to match the rest of the fleet. Genuinely appreciate your incisive critiques as always and, reviewing your beautiful platinum mist MTA versions, there's still no doubt that you remain king of the R15s.
Many thanx and best wishes!
Joe et al.-
Oops- correction. Bottom two lights on R16s and successors are tail lights, not headlights. Shouldn't be on the web at that hour of the morning.
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