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I'm finding that after several years of operation I have a newer Lionel 2-6-0 that has problems responding to commands at random places on my layout.  Has anyone found that switches ( I use Ross Custom) interfere with the range of TMCC or Legacy signals?

Last edited by Richard Guitar 013017
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Standard TMCC/legacy signal advice applies

Most likely, you just need an earth electrical ground wire or "plane" near that area.

Simple test- put your hand above the loco but not touching it (just very close) over the spot where you think you lost the signal. If when you hand is over the engine and it then responds to blowing the whistle or horn- then yes, most likely ground plane enhancement (a wire running parallel but not connected, or other ground plane grounded to a wall outlet).

In and of themselves- no track switches of any brand should have minimal effect.

The radio signal is between the outer rail (so basically much of the switch) and the earth ground wiring of your house.

Again, one half of the antenna is your house ground wiring. If you recently saw a loss or lowering of TMCC signal strength- could be something with the TMCC/Legacy base power supply ground. Sometimes a power strip or outlet, maybe even an extension cord could break this ground connection. That is why the base power supply has a 3 pin plug- with ground.

Switches would only matter if you cut an outside rail for antiderailing. The signal uses outside rail and your building earth ground. Depends on the building how far that earth ground including objects like water pipes are from the layout. Your layout may interfere with the signal if you have a metal object like more track, a bridge, or a mountain made using metal screen. Size of the layout has little bearing. Our club has built a layout that would fill a basketball court with little loss of signal.


Thank you all.  The track is clean. The problem answering commands varies along with the location.  Sometimes there is no response at all.  at other locations the locomotive will start up but not respond to speed commands.  All my mainline switches are set up for anti-derailing, so the cuts in an outside rail could be a factor.  My layout is in a fairly crowded room with lots of electrical stuff and some plumbing so there's lots of potential for interference.  I also use MTH DCS, but I'm not aware that it causes interference with TMCC/Legacy.  I got significant improvement at one location by putting in a new set of power lines, and am thinking I will expand that project on the theory that anti-derailing wiring is messing with the signal.

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