what would be a good place to start for a donor motor/truck assembly for a post war 218. The hand me down motor in my father in law’s hand me down engine is just plain worn out. It runs in reverse, sort of runs in forward but doesn’t really run well at all.
Having learned a little bit more about these and that the power truck is a complete unit where can I look for a good donor? I would like to stick to post war but if I have to put a tire traction unit in it then it is what it is. I have seen the 8020 but it’s a 2 way e-unit. Is the motor different on a 2 way e-unit or are the motors the same?
i wouldn’t think the actual unit swap would be all that hard, and of course I can keep all the original parts to either get the power truck rebuilt by someone with the right skills or just keep it in the box for originality down the road.