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I currently run version 4.10


I asked this same question many months ago when 4.20 was first announced: If I do NOT plan on buying any more engines and all that I own are PS2 engines, is there any reason that I should upgrade to 4.20 from 4.10?


Back then the answer was "No".  I thought I'd ask again to see if maybe someone found out some 'fix' or 'advancement' in 4.20 over 4.10  that would make it worth it to me to bring my TIU and 2 remotes to the DCS meeting to get them upgraded.


I have no KNOWN issues with 4.10 on my Christmas layout so unless there's a good reason I'll just stick with it.


As always, thanks - walt

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   I am in the same position you are, until I order a new remote, which Barry has indicated is scheduled to come out later this year, I will pass on the upgrade.

When I get my new remote, I will probably either get a new TIU or up grade my 4.1.

I am really looking forward to the redesigned hand held remote, and I have a hunch

I will be required to upgrade to use it, especially if they are going to make another TIU revision.



I have a 4.2 TIU / Remote.  I purchased a second remote which has 4.0.  Do I need to upgrade that 2nd remote to 4.2?

Although you might not have problems, you also might.


Further, 4.0 has a particularly ugly bug that affects adding engines that was fixed in 4.10, and 4.20 has features (e.g., Recover Engine) that 4.0 does not.



I was responding to Ron's post, not yours. You wouldn't really derive any benefit from 4.2 over 4.1, since the Recover Engine feature was introduced in 4.1.


The only benefit you would get is that if you were talking to MTH about an issue, there's a good chance that the tech would require that you first upgrade to 4.2 to see if that cures for problem, since MTH should not be expected to support past DCS releases.


As a matter of fact, I might also make the same stipulation if I was handed a problem to resolve.

Originally Posted by Barry Broskowitz:



The only benefit you would get is that if you were talking to MTH about an issue, there's a good chance that the tech would require that you first upgrade to 4.2 to see if that cures for problem, since MTH should not be expected to support past DCS releases.


As a matter of fact, I might also make the same stipulation if I was handed a problem to resolve.

HMMM!  That is one interesting comment!!!!


thanks - walt


That is one interesting comment!!!!

Why do you say that?


It's not uncommon for any software tech support to only support the latest release after it's been out for awhile, as has 4.20. This is especially true with smaller companies, such as MTH.


Newer software releases often correct bugs without documenting al of them.

"Interesting" in the sense that it makes me think that I should upgrade even though there may be no real and KNOWN reason for me to do so.  I didn't realize that was MTH's attitude.


As I mentioned, I worked in systems for 30 years and we at times had 4 or 5 versions of our customer-interface code in use, including web applications that we converted customers to on a request basis.  We had to support all questions and not just tell customers "well, I can only answer your question after you upgrade".  Of course that was in a business environment and not a toy train environment, but toy trains are still business as far as I've heard.


Barry, as to your comment about "unknown fixes" (as I also mentioned earlier), I was hoping that if I upgrade it might resolve the run-away train issue that I had with 4.10 this past Christmas that you became aware of.  That's what prompted me to start this thread!!!


- walt

Walt, most of our vendors EOL code by date.  So, I can except support for n years after a release, but not forever.  I don't know how long 4.2 has been out.


For modern consumer gadgets: If you were to call for support on a Blue-Ray player, for instance, they would require me to upgrade the firmware before discussing the problem.  And then if the upgrade did not fix the problem, I would be screwed until some other update did fix it :-)  So, I just upgrade everything before calling support and make sure the problem still exists.



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