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@Al NJ posted:

I would like to know too. I have a 2-6-0 and an 0-6-0 I’d like to put sound in.

Will Bachmann be producing a plug in module again?

I wrote to them and here is what transpired:

My question: I have seen on some websites that module 44957 is expected in October.  Is that accurate or wishful thinking.

Reply: Hello John,

I do not know when they should arrive.


Assistant Parts  Manager

Part Department

Bachmann Industries


Most people are recommending installing a sound decoder from scratch.,3603659

Haven't joined this group yet, but plan to.  Might be a good place to ask installation questions:


Last edited by Craftech
@Rick Rubino posted:

you might want to call Soundtrax they might know of another option. I doubt Bachman will rerun them unless they produce another run of locos with is not likely.

Actually Rick I contacted them at the same time I contacted Bachmann (referenced above).

This was their response:


I would say the TSU-2200 is the better bet, the reason being that the TSU-BH2 is designed to replace the SoundValue decoders specifically and I believe they use a different board format then the On30 mogul that you have, so it is very likely the TSU-BH2 would not fit, you could probably still use it however it would be no less difficult than using the TSU-2200. (maybe even moreso as the TSU-2200 is a bit smaller, and doesn’t need specific provision for mounting)

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Thank You!

Norman Carnaby

Support Representative

970.259.0690 Ext. 22


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