Any one know how to remove the drivers from an MTH Premiere decapod?
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Because almost all of MTH's O-gauge locos are of the captive axle, "toy train" design, you would almost certainly have to use some kind of puller. The question is, why would you want to do this, and how are you planning to get them back on again?
I also would like to know the reason to remove those drivers.
If you don't have the capability of quartering it properly after replacing the drivers, I'd suggest leaving them alone.
If you do not know how to quarter, do not try. John, I take measurements with the loco sitting on a glass plate with my dial indicator. Going back together it makes life easy.
I agree with and second all of the advice that's been posted on this thread. That being said, I would love to see a video of quartering drivers using the surface plate method described by Marty. If someone has a link please share, thanks!!
Marty Fitzhenry posted:If you do not know how to quarter, do not try. John, I take measurements with the loco sitting on a glass plate with my dial indicator. Going back together it makes life easy.
I'd like to see how you do that as well Marty.
Find a vertical "top dead center" on the wheel/rod boss, like a gasline motor's piston, mark that maximum height postion TDC#1, mark on the wheel o.d. ANYWHERE, and in align the other side to it's TDC#2 (a 90° easily arrived at being the maxium distance of movement left or right from the vertical reference I.e. just like verctical but measure sideways; Maximum iis the goal, not a certain number ). With TDC#2 mark aligned the mark for TDC#1 must still match up. You could substitute/add in some math too of course.
I take it they aren't splined? With splines I always found it pretty easy.