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Has anybody ever tried removing the lettering and heraalds from a Lionel Woodside Caboose without damaging the basic paint underneath?  If so, were you successful?  In either case, what did you use?


I'd like to reletter one for a different road, but I'd like to save the paint if I can.


Thanks for any advice!

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Great question Palallin,  for me (part time painter,  in fact it has been awhile),  I have had success depending on which manufacturer the caboose is you would like to re-paint.   I think Lionel and MTH have some pretty difficult paint to remove.  Without removing everything that is.


I had success with Goo Gone on a Williams brass caboose to re-letter with success.


Curious if any accomplished painters here on the forum have had success?



Gentlemen;  I've had success using Testor's Easy Lift Off, (ELO) to remove lettering from a MTH 18th Century Caboose that had significant wood grain.  It was the first time I used it and wasn't careful enough when applying it so where I had applied it directly to adjacent paint it lightened it up a little, not removed down to the plastic.  It was an easy repair with a brown sharpie.  I've used it on subsequent decal and lettering removals using a fine paint brush to apply to the lettering only and haven't had any issues.  I haven't tried it on a Lionel woodside caboose.



I recently stripped paint from a MTH Railking 2-8-0 tender that was lettered Union Pacific.  With ALL the paint removed I can still see a "ghost" of the lettering on the plastic shell.  The lettering must be applied with a lot of pressure to make it "soak" into the plastic like that (pad printing?).


I've tried to remove just the lettering and in every case the base color has had some alteration to it (lighter, shinier, duller).


bob2s got the right idea.

Have not been able to remove their lettering without damaging the paint to just decal over it without a complete repaint. In many cases just used 1,000 grit paper and sanded the lettering off then completely repainted the item. Planning on doing a tender, looking for a solution that would not require a repaint.

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