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Thank you, Scott. I used to own a couple of those F3 sets until I was lucky enough to stumble onto Lionel's SF F7 ABA set. So I obtained it and sold my f3 sets. This F7 set is my baby on the layout. It was available only one year, 2007, and seems to run better and has superior sound than the F3 sets. I also like the wrecking lugs, top dynamic brake fans, ladder bars up the right side of the cab nose, and of course those upper grills which the F3s don't have. So, I'm with you, and love the SF Warbonnet covered wagons as well.

Vern, beautiful set, thanks for putting up the photos of the whole ABA F7's. I have two SF F3 sets, one AA Warbonnet #18 from 2004 and one ABA Warbonnet #19 from 2005. Beautiful sets both, but I have two complaints about these decade 2000 units: 1) If you have ever taken the body off the powered unit the wiring is a nightmare!! 2) On the powered units the motor/truck assembly has to be removed to change the rubber tires because the screws for the side frames are on top of the truck! Lucky you, your 2007 model the side frame screws are on the bottom of the truck!

On the 2004 AA powered unit I had to replace the DCDS board, and while I was in there I replaced the stock sound board, as it had the standard diesel sound and not the F3. I replaced it with ERR F3 sound board. Now it has that F3 growl/whine. Runs great!

Vern, beautiful set, thanks for putting up the photos of the whole ABA F7's. I have two SF F3 sets, one AA Warbonnet #18 from 2004 and one ABA Warbonnet #19 from 2005. Beautiful sets both, but I have two complaints about these decade 2000 units: 1) If you have ever taken the body off the powered unit the wiring is a nightmare!! 2) On the powered units the motor/truck assembly has to be removed to change the rubber tires because the screws for the side frames are on top of the truck! Lucky you, your 2007 model the side frame screws are on the bottom of the truck!

On the 2004 AA powered unit I had to replace the DCDS board, and while I was in there I replaced the stock sound board, as it had the standard diesel sound and not the F3. I replaced it with ERR F3 sound board. Now it has that F3 growl/whine. Runs great!

My pleasure, Scott. The #s 18 & 19 are the Fs sets I had before getting the F7s. I know what you mean about the F7 wiring though. Awhile back I had to have the MARS light replaced on the powered F7A. So while my guy (Jim Sandman, the Authorized Lionel service tech up in Ogden), worked on it, he sent me a photo of the messed up wiring inside which was  scraped and frayed. So I had him replace the wiring and have never had any trouble since.

Thanks and happy trainin'.

@leapinlarry posted:

There's a lot of beautiful Santa Fe pictures here on this thread, all are so colorful, great thread. Happy Railroading Everyone

Leapinlarry, those must be the Legacy SF Warbonnet F3's from the 2017 catalog I'm guessing?! Beautiful! I'm a covered wagon junky, so I love 'em, thanks for the videos. I'm also guessing one B unit is powered and the other is super base.

Later era ATSF head end cars.  As my layout is currently in my shed, I am forced to photograph these in my back yard to replicate the plains prior to the ATSF hitting Raton Pass.


The question I have for the ATSF experts is what color gray is more correct?  Is it the more mid-tone Lionel gray or the lighter Weaver gray. 

It was so much easier when ATSF just used Coach Green for heavyweight equipment!


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Last edited by GG1 4877

D445C98F-12F5-45A9-A724-B425F3B8BE6FF779570E-02AA-4B6D-AEF9-E029DDDDFD3CWork progresses on this AT&SF drover car. The previous owner(s) must have thrown it at the neighbor’s cat numerous times for it to be in the hideous shape in which I received it.  Someone also preferred two-part epoxy in lieu of soldering brass.  Since the underframe was a bent up, hopeless mess along with major missing parts, I imparted a “death blow” to the 2-Rail brass officionados by adapting a nice Atlas cattle car underframe to the restored body. Long shank coupler pockets replaced the regular coupler pockets.  Paint and decals await.


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  • D445C98F-12F5-45A9-A724-B425F3B8BE6F
  • F779570E-02AA-4B6D-AEF9-E029DDDDFD3C
@Rob Leese posted:

F779570E-02AA-4B6D-AEF9-E029DDDDFD3CWork progresses on this AT&SF drover car. The previous owner(s) must have thrown it at the neighbor’s cat numerous times for it to be in the hideous shape in which I received it.  Someone also preferred two-part epoxy in lieu of soldering brass.  Since the underframe was a bent up, hopeless mess along with major missing parts, I imparted a “death blow” to the 2-Rail brass officionados by adapting a nice Atlas cattle car underframe to the restored body. Long shank coupler pockets replaced the regular coupler pockets.  Paint and decals await.

I picked up one years ago and hopefully will get around to painting it now that I'm retired. I also have the supposed paint mix ratios for the one-off color they were painted. It's similar to the color of the "Q" PS4427 grain hoppers.


I was also able to obtain its "stable mate" -- the "mixed train caboose" version where Santa Fe had removed the bunks and converted it to a baggage room. That one was already painted, but needs to touch-up.



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  • 2313b
Last edited by AGHRMatt

Well for Santa Fe Sunday today, I have two Santa Fe boxcars, as interpreted by two giants in the toy train marketplace, Lionel and Marx.  Both of these are from their more modest lines and their date of manufacture is some 26 years apart, although the Marx car was made for a considerable period.

Here is the Marx 3286 Santa Fe box car, first manufactured in June of 1956 (IAW the marking on the car) but this car stayed in production for Marx for many years.  8 wheeled on tinplate trucks with 2 automatic couplers.  Like the Lionel car the door does not open.  This would have been from Marx's "middle weight" line of plastic body cars.

Marx Santa Fe box car sideMarx Santa Fe box car

The Lionel 7902 0-27 boxcar.  These cars are sometimes referred to as "plug door" boxcars by collectors, which they are not, in fact this one imitates a double door  boxcar.  It was built by Lionel in January 1982 and was offered from 1982-1985. Fully plastic car including the frame and trucks and only has an operating coupler on one end.

Lionel Santa Fe box car sideLionel Santa Fe box car

Hope you are enjoying your weekend and have a great upcoming week



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  • Marx Santa Fe box car side
  • Marx Santa Fe box car
  • Lionel Santa Fe box car side
  • Lionel Santa Fe box car

Santa Fe Sunday isn't always beautiful sight! My 2005 Santa Fe F3 #19 TMCC ABA set is in a state of disrepair, as the powered unit is dead. As it turns out the R2LC is dead, and it might be due to the rectifier output voltage going all over the place! So both are on order, as these older TMCC units work with the R2LC C08 only, so I can't use the R4LC I have lying around in spare parts. As usual, a long wait to receive parts from Lionel, but it is what it is.

These units are a wiring nightmare! Ugh!

Wish me luck!


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Santa Fe Sunday isn't always beautiful sight! My 2005 Santa Fe F3 #19 TMCC ABA set is in a state of disrepair, as the powered unit is dead. As it turns out the R2LC is dead, and it might be due to the rectifier output voltage going all over the place! So both are on order, as these older TMCC units work with the R2LC C08 only, so I can't use the R4LC I have lying around in spare parts. As usual, a long wait to receive parts from Lionel, but it is what it is.

These units are a wiring nightmare! Ugh!

Wish me luck!

🤐 I sure wish you good luck WP.

Always something to learn about in a case like this though .  🤔

Stay with it and keep us updated .

@Sitka posted:

Well, my Lionel PW Santa Fe operating boxcar and my dad's Santa Fe HO Diesel from the late 70s, don't have much Santa Fe, posted my 2333 F3 some pages back, Have a nice Sunday all.

As I recall the HO FP45 you have is the AHM one that was produced by Lima in Italy.  I have seen these at train shows but never owned one.  I have a pair of the Athearn HO FP45s, but they are in Amtrak and not Santa Fe.  It is funny how much more detail this 1970's HO locomotive has than the MTH ones.  For the record, I have lots of the MTH ones as they are what I could find.

@GG1 4877 posted:

As I recall the HO FP45 you have is the AHM one that was produced by Lima in Italy.  I have seen these at train shows but never owned one.  I have a pair of the Athearn HO FP45s, but they are in Amtrak and not Santa Fe.  It is funny how much more detail this 1970's HO locomotive has than the MTH ones.  For the record, I have lots of the MTH ones as they are what I could find.

That FP runs like a clock, I have a few more HO Lionel steam (60s) and some diesels that were my dads cleaned and fixed what we broke on him as kids, A few more to repair. wish I had his PW Lionel.

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