Originally Posted by PC9850:
Originally Posted by mwb:
Huh? Lots have been made and lots of exceptional models have been imported in brass. Even the old IMP hoppers from the '50s make decent N&W hoppers and there are some dry transfer sets available from Clover House that dress these up nicely. Not everything comes in an orange, purple or blue box, Yeah? Well where are they all if so many got made? I certainly didn't see 10 or 20 out there readily available and ready to run. I know you champion the DIY route, but unfortunately we don't all have the time or money to chase down rare expensive brass imports or put together and decal a kit. In this case, no Rufus, we actually do need an affordable bulk set in an orange, purple, or blue box. No two ways about it.
Just gotta keep up the pressure on the big manufacturers. Like everything else that is constantly requested by a large enough group, it'll eventually get made.
I sold all of my IMP hoppers off about 3 years ago except for 1 that I need to reletter for N&W.
Go to the Chicago show in April next year or Indy in Sept and those will be around. You want accurate scale ones you had to be there when the ones from Yoder, Kohs, and PSC were being pre-ordered and now you're stuck on the secondary market if you want the better items. Again, go to Chicago or Indy - they are out there.
....just doesn't seem appropriate, nor logical, to me.
When did an of this ever have to qualify as appropriate? And forget about logical, That ship sailed a long time ago. This hobby embraces irrational.
If you want the better accurate scale stuff, it can be found. But not by singing cheap, cheap, cheap. Call up Bill Davis, Norm Pullen, or here at Alleghany Scale Models:
Scroll down to hoppers - bunch of Yoder hoppers.