1 - even with the tie-spacing "issue" ScaleTrax is far more appealing visually than any
other 3-rail track system, including Atlas - or maybe -especially- including Atlas.
(I have GG/Ross/Curtis and an old layout; I stuck with GG/Ross for expansions for
obvious reasons. I like GG/Ross, in fact.) The Atlas track with the thick center rail
and TIE-PLATES under it (for goodness' sake!) has never appealed to me as much as it should. It's too high (higher than GG, bottom of tie to top of rail) and the ties...see #2.
2 - as mentioned elsewhere, the Atlas spacing is suitable only for the High Iron, and
on secondary tracks the ScaleTrax is more appropriate.
3 - anyway, with a 3-rail format, the less attention one draws to the track work the
better, and the ScaleTrax low rails, thin blade and relatively sparse ties are a better
way to go, visually. Sounds like MTH may mess up some of what I like about it.
4 - none of this matters unless I build a new layout. Yeah, right. I don't like building them, and I'm 66, not 44 as I was when I built my current one. Too many things hurt, now. But if I do, ScaleTrax will be my choice.