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If you go to the 'For Sale' forum and put an item in the search bar at the top of the page, does it actually look for and find the item searched?  If it brings back random items listed days and weeks old, that translates to there are none?  If you use the search function at page top, does it search the entire OGR site?  Is there a way to look specifically at For Sale or Wanted to Buy sections?

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A few minutes of actually examining the tool and trying it out would yield answers.

When you click on 'search' and enter the tool at the top left under the word 'search' you'll see a drop-down menu which will be set to a globe icon and 'everything'.  Select the OGR Online Forum.  The third field from the bottom is the forums field.  It will be set at All Forums.  Just use the drop-down menu to select the For Sale forum.


Last edited by Greg Houser

Start by using the drop-down list at the upper left and choosing to search ONLY in the OGR On-Line Forum

You can then choose what you want to search for and how to do the search.

Here's how the different search choices work. Let's say you searched using the words "Union Pacific Big Boy".

  • If you choose "Contains At Least One Of These Words" you will get THOUSANDS of results. That's because the search will find every post that has the word "Union", every post that has the word "Pacific", every post that has the word "Big", etc. You get the idea. LOTS of posts!
  • If you choose "Contains All Of These Words" the search narrows a bit. The search will only display posts that have ALL of the search words in it, but not necessarily the exact phrase. For example a title that said, "Where did the Union Pacific run the Big Boys?" would come up in this search because all the search words are in the title.
  • If you choose "Exact Phrase Match" you narrow the search even further. The search will only display posts that have the exact phrase "Union Pacific Big Boy" in them.

Scroll down a little further and choose to search ONLY in the For Sale forum:

  • If you choose "YES" in the "Include Replies" choice, the search will return not only the original post, but all the replies as well. This choice  doesn't apply in the For Sale Forum because there are no replies to For Sale Forum posts.
  • If you choose "No" here, you will see only the original post that started the thread. This is usually the better choice.

You can also choose to display the results by "Relevance" or by Date.

Here endeth the lesson. 


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Last edited by Rich Melvin

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