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I've settled on getting a smaller, 0-4-0 or 0-6-0 steam semi-scale switcher, definitely something with command control, and in the PRR livery. My layout is small, and every inch matters, so I'm avoiding the  longer 0-8-0s unless someone convinces me otherwise. Seems like my options are:

  1. K-Line, K-Line by Lionel, or Lionel 0-4-0 - I know some of these are or are close to scale-sized but think they'd be fine. These are abundant with TMCC/RS but I haven't seen that they include Odyssey/Cruise. That's a deal breaker for me unless I could find a bargain and attempt putting in Cruise-M myself.
  2. Lionel LC+ 0-4-0 - If option 1 doesn't include Odyssey/Cruise, then this seems like a more cost-effective option, also plentiful, and right now my most likely candidate.
  3. MTH Imperial - I don't own any MTH engines and would prefer to avoid the cost of a TIU and PS since I'm so deep into TMCC, but I do like these. They appear to have more detail than the others above and also come with the 4 chuffs/revolution, so I'm intrigued about going this route.

If I open up to options beyond LC+, that's opening Pandora's box. I've noticed that there's very little difference in dimensions between the MTH Imperial and MTH Premier 0-6-0s (scale), but mainly differences in detail and price ($200). Same goes for the scale Legacy Lionel version. Not sure I want to spend $600+ but would hate to spend $400 and be disappointed if I can spend $600 and get everything I'd want.

I have only semi-scale rolling stock. Would any of these, including the scale options, look better or worse? The reason I ask is that the Lionel Legacy/Scale item says Scale Type = Traditional on the website even though it's a scale engine and also because the differences in size of the MTH versions are negligible.

Anyone have any pics?





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I recommend the LionChief Plus Pennsylvania A5 with Bluetooth (6-84967). It’s scale sized, but because it’s one of the smallest Pennsy switchers ever built, it’s perfect for traditional-sized freight cars.

Trainworld still has them on sale for $299.99 right now.

Here’s a photo of mine:



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Last edited by Jim R.

I have the K-Line A-5, I picked up the TMCC version for $200, it's a really nice little locomotive.  I just added the Cruise Commander M to it, and it's a good performer.  It's certainly small enough even though it's a scale locomotive.

The detail on the K-Line is very good as well if you get the better model.


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Thanks! I think those are both great options. While I like the idea of dipping the toe in the MTH waters, it doesn't seem practical since my engine needs (wants) are few. Two follow up questions?

Are they scale in level of detail or just scale-sized? The LC+ above appears to have a bit more detail, but it could be just because the pic is more of a close-up

Do either of them have 4 chuffs? I'm guessing both are 2.

I love my new B&O LC+ A5, same mold as my old K-Line PRR #94 (non-TMCC, #913 has it, mine does not) but the LC+ features make it more fun to run.  Note:  the ones released more recently than this one have BlueTooth, which would be fun too.  My personal opinion is that the details are quite good, features like the opening cab roof hatch give it that extra something that some other engines don't have today at that price point.





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gunrunnerjohn posted:

My K-Line has 4-chuffs, but I added that.

I should've guessed that!  One of these days I'm hoping to develop the confidence and skills to experiment with upgrades like that. For now, it's mainly time constraints as I'm still rebuilding a layout, but down the road, maybe. I have had a local, fellow forum member do some ERR upgrades and they've been great.

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